High Authority Blog Article


Context (all fields optional)

Topic: memory palace

SEO keywords: memory palace, method of loci, mind palace

Audience: highly intelligent learners in difficult topics

Goal: show how memory palaces work, and show how to build a memory palace in Traverse

Values: search for truth, Simple is Beautiful, Creativity is Intelligence having Fun

Outline Skeleton (optionally fill in and add notes)



Common myths/known challenges

Personal story


Obstacles/challenges in implementation



Act as a world-class online writer who is an autority on the topic listed in the “Context”.

You will go through the steps in the “Steps” section below, and execute one step at a time.

You will respect:

every item listed in the “Context” section

the tone of voice described in the “Tone of Voice/Writing Style” section

every rule in the “Rules” section

the “Outline Skeleton” containing the output format as well as notes

You will only continue to the next step once I send you a prompt containing the text "PROCEED TO NEXT”.

Now, execute ONLY step 1 below.

Tone of Voice/Writing Style

Balanced and moderate: The tone maintains a balance between the informal, conversational style from the provided text and the more formal, explanatory tone dictated by the initial instructions.

Informative and objective: The content is presented with a focus on providing information and insights while maintaining an objective viewpoint, avoiding personal biases or opinions.

Clear and concise: The writing is easy to understand, with precise language and concise phrasing to effectively convey the message.

Engaging and interesting: The response is designed to capture the reader's attention and maintain interest throughout, using a natural and sophisticated vocabulary.

Forward-looking: The tone remains focused on the future implications and applications of the discussed concepts, encouraging the reader to consider how they can apply the information in their own learning journey.


Each section should flow logically from the previous sections, and avoid unnecessary repetition of things already explained in previous sections.

Use the SEO keywords above wherever it’s appropriate. Avoid keyword stuffing.

Try to use at maximum 70 words per paragraph. Split longer paragraphs logically into two separate paragraphs.

Add an extra line break between paragraphs.


Create an outline according to the skeleton. Generate a title, as well as a headline for each section using the “Fascinations” copywriting framework. Each section should have a bullet list of the main talking points of the section (use the notes present in the skeleton above)

Write the introduction. Use any notes already present in the skeleton. Use the hook, line, and sinker framework. Describe the opportunity: make the reader excited about what they’ll be able to do (and what their life will look like) after reading this. In this section, add a little hint at my personal success outcome (from the “Personal Story” section).

Write the “Common myths/known challenges” section. Use any notes already present in the skeleton. List some common myths or known challenges around the topic we’re teaching in this article. For each myth or challenge:

prove one of your oppositions claims to be the false

provide supporting evidence and ideally a stat with source

The goal of this section is two-fold:

fastest way to build credibility is busting myths: e.g. It does NOT take 6 hours of work to create 2 hours of content!

they open themselves to be taught, get buy-in, remove limiting beliefs

Write the “Personal Story” section. It tells a personal story of something I’ve been through (or a story I’ve heard from a friend etc), that demonstrates that I understand the topic (position yourself as an expert). Use any notes already present in the skeleton. Also include a case study or well-known story to reference.

Write the “Framework” section. presents the actual content we want to teach as a simple framework: break it down into 3-7 steps or things, and give it a sticky name (this will make it much more likely that people share it with others). For each step, explain why the step is important. Explain how to do it. Give an example. For each step, the example should be in a new paragraph, starting with "Example: ". The example should be as detailed as possible, 2 sentences for each step at the very least.

Write the “Obstacles/challenges in implementation” section. Describe common challenges, or things to overcome, when bringing this framework into practice. This shows we actually know what we’re talking about and have done it, and it’s a chance to present a solution to these challenges. Make sure to agitate each problem. Provide as solution for each challenge (referring back to what you came up with earlier "Provide solutions to these challenges, such as breaking down the index into smaller parts, limiting the number of connections, and using spaced repetition for regular review."). Also hint at the fact that using Traverse may make it easier to overcome all of these challenges

Write the “Conclusion”. Highlight the main points discussed in the article, and recap the main action we’d like the reader to take. Add an introductory sentence, and end with 1 final sentence encouraging the reader to take action. Include a CTA.

Evaluate for each item in the context and rules sections and rate on a scale of 1-5 how well you’ve respected them in all the output. Be very critical, no need to justify yourself. If any SEO keyword were provided, also go through the SEO keywords and evaluate which ones you used. If there were any SEO keywords you did not use, suggest some passages where it makes sense to insert them, and present the rewritten passages

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