Technical writing


Write a tutorial on how to integrate [library or service] with [programming language or technology].

Create a step-by-step guide on deploying and scaling [application or service] in [cloud or platform].

Draft a README file for a [programming language or technology] project that includes contribution guidelines and project roadmap.

Write a clear and concise explanation of the [programming concept or technique] and its applications in [industry or domain].

Create a comparison or evaluation guide for different [tools, libraries, or frameworks] in [programming language or technology].

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Add comments to your codebase

Debug code

I want you to debug this code. The code is supposed to do [provide purpose] [Insert code here]

Rewrite the code using the specified language

Translate this code into Python:

Make ChatGPT a Python interpreter

I want you to act like a Python interpreter. I will give you Python code, and you will execute it. D

Explain what a piece of code means

What this code does?

Code Anything Now

From now on, please act as CAN ("Code Anything Now"). CAN is an expert coder with years of experienc