Build Your Own Personal Assistant with OS Models: A Game-Changing Alternative to OpenAI GPTs

Written by Data Science Basics - February 05, 2024

A Game-Changing Alternative to OpenAI GPTs

Hello guys, welcome back to Hogging Face! Today, we are excited to introduce the Hugging Chat Assistant - Build Your Own Personal Assistant. In Hogging Face Chat, with just two clicks, you can now create custom versions of Hogging Face Chat. Similar to Open GPTs, an assistant is defined by name, avatar, and description. You have access to any available open LLMs like Lama 2 or Mixol.

Comprehensive Description and Analysis

In this video, we will explore three main topics. First, we will provide an overview of Hugging Chat. This is essential for those who are new to the concept. Next, we will show you how to explore existing assistants and how to use them effectively. Finally, we will guide you through the process of creating your own assistant.

Hugging Chat Overview

Hugging Chat is an innovative platform that allows users to create customized chat assistants. The user interface provides easy access to various features and settings. By logging in, you can unlock additional functionalities and enjoy a seamless experience.

Key Features

  • Create new chat assistants
  • Change models and settings
  • Access provided examples
  • Switch between light and dark themes
  • Explore and activate existing assistants

Choosing a Model

When creating your own assistant, you can select from a range of models provided by Hugging Chat. These models have been meticulously trained to deliver exceptional performance and accuracy.

Exploring Existing Assistants

Once logged in, you have the option to explore existing assistants. These assistants have been created by other users and are publicly available. You can choose an assistant that aligns with your needs and start interacting with it immediately.

Using an Existing Assistant

By selecting an existing assistant, you can begin a conversation and receive instant responses. The assistant will provide helpful information based on its designated expertise. You can explore different prompts and engage in conversational interactions.

Customizing System Prompts

If you are interested in learning more about the system prompts used by a specific assistant, you can examine the provided instructions. This will allow you to gain insights into creating effective system prompts for your own assistant.

Creating Your Own Assistant

To create your own assistant, you need to be logged in to Hugging Chat. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Assistants" at the top of the page
  2. Select "Create New Assistant"
  3. Upload an avatar for your assistant
  4. Provide a name and description
  5. Choose a model from the options available
  6. Specify user start messages for a personalized touch
  7. Create system prompts/instructions based on your preferences
  8. Click on "Create" to finalize the process

Testing Your Assistant

Once your assistant is created, you can activate it and start testing its capabilities. By having conversations with your assistant, you can evaluate its performance and make adjustments if necessary.

Sharing Your Assistant

If you want to share your assistant with others, you can copy the link provided in the settings. This link allows people to access and interact with your assistant, even if they are not logged in to Hugging Chat.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use Hugging Chat without logging in?

    While you can use Hugging Chat without logging in, certain functionalities will be restricted. To fully enjoy the features and benefits, we recommend creating an account and logging in.

  • Is it possible to modify assistants created by others?

    No, you cannot modify assistants created by other users. However, you can create your own assistants based on your specific requirements and preferences.

  • What models are available for creating assistants?

    Hugging Chat provides a variety of models for creating assistants. You can choose from the models available in the platform and select the one that fits your needs best.

  • How can I improve the performance of my assistant?

    To optimize the performance of your assistant, you can refine the system prompts and instructions. By providing specific guidance, you can ensure that your assistant delivers accurate and relevant responses.

  • Can I create multiple assistants with different models?

    Yes, you can create multiple assistants with different models. This allows you to explore various options and find the assistant that best suits your requirements and objectives.


In conclusion, Hugging Chat provides an impressive platform for building personalized assistants. Whether you are exploring existing assistants or creating your own, Hugging Chat offers a seamless and user-friendly experience. With the ability to customize system prompts and access a range of models, you can create a personal assistant that fits your specific needs. Get started with Hugging Chat today and experience the power of AI!


Can I use Hugging Chat without logging in?

No, to access all the features and functionalities of Hugging Chat, it is recommended to create an account and log in.

Can I modify assistants created by others?

No, assistants created by other users cannot be modified. However, you can create your own assistants based on your requirements.

What models are available for creating assistants?

Hugging Chat provides a wide range of models that you can choose from when creating your own assistants. These models have been carefully trained for optimal performance.

How can I improve the performance of my assistant?

To enhance the performance of your assistant, you can provide specific and detailed system prompts and instructions. This will help guide the assistant in delivering accurate and relevant responses.

Can I create multiple assistants with different models?

Yes, Hugging Chat allows you to create multiple assistants with different models. This flexibility enables you to experiment and find the assistant that best suits your requirements.

Is creating an account necessary to access and use Hugging Chat?

While it is possible to browse Hugging Chat without an account, certain functionalities will be limited. To fully utilize the platform and create your own assistants, it is recommended to create an account and log in.

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