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Botfriend is an AI powered sex chatbot for adults looking for virtual companionship and casual sexti0
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What is Botfriend? is an excellent platform that can provide you with the ultimate AI sexting experience. This platform allows users to explore and dive into a wide range of topics that can cater to their desires. With users can engage in enticing and tempting sexting sessions. is trained using advanced AI algorithms that keep learning and evolving. This AI chatbot is specially trained to engage in exhibiting conversations with its users. Allowing users to chat about their wild desires, fantasies, intimate conversations, and more. 

There are a total of two virtual AI bots provided by BotFriend. A female chatbot named “Sofia” and a male chatbot named “James.” Users need to log in or create an account on to start their erotic conversations with their chosen chatbot.

Since this platform is a story bot, after logging in users need to select an erotic story to continue the conversation with the AI bot. Users are free to unleash their imaginations, and desires and indulge in seductive and exciting exchanges with James and Sofia. 

Features of

Contains a wide range of story options to perform erotic conversations.

Supports a male and female AI chatbot for generating sexting sessions. The male AI chatbot is “James” and the female AI chatbot is named “Sofia.”

Allow users to unleash their desire and indulge in wild and tempting sexting sessions without any restrictions.  

More information on Botfriend

Pricing Model
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Tech used
Google Fonts,Next.js,Google Cloud Platform,Gzip,Progressive Web App,Webpack,Google Cloud Storage

Top 5 Countries

United States Germany Mexico Netherlands

Traffic Sources

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Botfriend was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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