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Supercharge your email marketing with Daily.ai, an AI-powered tool that offers a Done For You service, making email engagement and conversion effortless.0
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What is Daily.ai?

Supercharge your email marketing with Daily.ai, an AI-powered tool that offers a "Done For You" service, making email engagement and conversion effortless. It works across various industries and takes less than 5 minutes a week to manage. Daily.ai has been at the forefront of AI technology for four years, endorsed by industry leaders like Joe Polish and Peter H. Diamandis.

Key Features:

  1. 📰 Content Curation: Daily.ai seamlessly identifies the most interesting content in any industry and creates beautiful, tailored newsletters that subscribers love. The content evolves based on subscriber interactions, ensuring increased engagement over time.

  2. 🎙 Brand Authenticity: This tool automatically synthesizes curated content in your brand's voice, making newsletters sound native and authentic. Human oversight ensures a personal connection with your audience.

  3. 🎯 Precision Targeting: Daily.ai's "perspective engine" precisely targets curated content to your audience, similar to having your personal data scientist. It helps you craft a personalized content strategy for maximum impact.

Use Cases:

  1. Newsletter Growth: Increase your newsletter open rates by over 60% and maintain a strong connection with your audience, as experienced by Tim Organ & JJ Virgin.

  2. Conversion Optimization: Convert website visitors into engaged readers using custom opt-in pages that capture and retain subscriber preferences, as described by Justin Donald and Jay Conner.

  3. Industry Versatility: Daily.ai works for over 27 different industries, making it suitable for businesses of all types, not just thought leaders or best-selling authors.


Daily.ai is a powerful AI tool that simplifies email marketing, enhancing engagement and conversion rates. With features like content curation, brand authenticity, and precision targeting, it's a valuable asset for businesses across various industries. Trust the tool that visionary entrepreneurs and brands like Justin Donald, Jay Conner, and Tim Organ & JJ Virgin have used to supercharge their email marketing efforts.

More information on Daily.ai

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$477 per month
Global Rank
United States
Month Visit
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Top 5 Countries

Colombia United States Germany Argentina Belgium

Traffic Sources

Direct Social Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-04-30
Daily.ai was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Daily.ai Alternatives

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  1. Boost your email campaigns with Mails.ai, an AI-driven tool that generates personalized content, connects unlimited accounts, and maximizes deliverability. Start today!

  2. Promo.ai is an AI-powered website generator that simplifies the process of creating newsletters.

  3. Your unique and individual newsletter that provides you with the crucial news to be the first mover

  4. Create captivating newsletters effortlessly with infomail's AI-powered email marketing platform. Generate original text in seconds and choose from over 50 languages for translations. Customize templates to reflect your brand's visual identity and enhance customer engagement. Experience the future of email marketing today!

  5. EverMail AI automatically personalizes emails at scale and researches recipient LinkedIns.