
(Be the first to comment) leverages AI to convert product videos into 3D models, enabling quick and cost-effective 3D product visualizations for online sales platforms.0
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What is Graswald? is a cutting-edge platform that revolutionizes the way businesses create and manage 3D product visualizations. By harnessing the power of AI, it transforms product videos into high-quality 3D models in a fraction of the time and cost traditionally required. This tool empowers businesses to produce stunning 3D content in-house, without the need for specialized 3D modeling skills or expensive equipment. not only enhances the online shopping experience with interactive 3D views and AR try-on features but also significantly boosts conversion rates and average order values, while reducing return rates. Its versatility and ease of use make it an invaluable asset for businesses looking to save costs and sell more through immersive 3D content.

Key Features:

  1. 📹 AI-Driven Conversion: Convert product videos into 3D models with minimal manual work, typically less than 5 minutes per model.

  2. 🏠 In-House Creation: Eliminate the need for external agencies; create 3D products internally without specialized expertise.

  3. 🌐 Single Platform Management: Centralize all 3D content management through a user-friendly interface.

  4. 🖼️ Automated Visuals: Generate high-quality product images and cut-outs directly from the 3D source.

  5. 🎥 Engaging Product Videos: Produce captivating videos without the need for an expensive photo studio.

  6. 📱 AR Try-On: Allow customers to visualize products in their own space through Augmented Reality.

Use Cases:

  1. E-commerce Enhancement: A furniture retailer uses to create 3D models of their products, offering customers an immersive online shopping experience, resulting in a 46% increase in conversion rates.

  2. Cost-Effective Marketing: A tech gadget company leverages to produce engaging 3D product videos for social media, saving on production costs while increasing customer engagement.

  3. Virtual Showroom: An automotive dealer implements’s AR try-on feature, allowing customers to see how cars would look in their driveways, leading to a significant reduction in return rates.

How Does It Work?’s process is straightforward and fully automated. Users simply upload a video of their product, and the platform’s AI algorithms take care of the rest, converting the video into a detailed 3D model. This model can then be used to generate various types of visual content, from static images to interactive 3D views and AR experiences.

Conclusion: is more than just a 3D modeling tool; it’s a game-changer for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and improve customer experience. By making 3D product visualization accessible, affordable, and effortless, empowers businesses of all sizes to stay ahead in the competitive digital marketplace. With its promise of increased conversion rates, higher average order values, and reduced return rates, is the future of e-commerce and product visualization.

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Updated Date: 2024-05-18
Graswald was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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