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Automatically find qualified leads and send personalized messages using AI. Boost response rates and run omnichannel campaigns. Try Hyperscale now!0
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What is Hyperscale?

Hyperscale revolutionizes sales outreach with cutting-edge AI automation, offering hyper-personalized messaging and streamlined lead generation. Seamlessly integrating with existing workflows, it empowers businesses to find and convert the right customers faster than ever before.

Key Features:

  1. 🚀 Automated Personalization:Utilize AI to tailor messages to each lead's specifics, adapting tone and content for maximum engagement.

  2. 📊 Omnichannel Integration:Connect seamlessly with Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn, and more, synchronizing campaigns with any CRM for efficient outreach.

  3. 💼 Streamlined Lead Generation:Access millions of qualified leads within minutes, with instant, cross-platform data that includes verified business contact details and relevant criteria.

Use Cases:

  1. Recruitment Agency: Identify companies hiring for specific roles, filter by size and industry, and outreach to offer top candidates.

  2. B2B SaaS: Target companies on LinkedIn by vertical and size, engaging directly with decision-makers to drive sales.

  3. D2C Products: Locate retailers and distributors on Google Maps and LinkedIn, enabling direct sales to relevant stakeholders.


Hyperscale empowers businesses across industries to optimize their sales processes, boosting efficiency and effectiveness. With customizable plans and comprehensive support, it's the ultimate solution for scaling outreach efforts and driving revenue growth.


  1. Which companies are Hyperscale suitable for?

    • Hyperscale caters to B2B, D2C, and B2G companies, excelling in targeted lead generation based on various criteria such as industry vertical, company size, and geographical location.

  2. How does message generation work?

    • Hyperscale employs proprietary models combined with state-of-the-art Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4 to draft personalized messages. These models are refined based on customer feedback, ensuring messages align with sender preferences and yield optimal responses.

  3. Can I control the messages I send out?

    • Yes, users have full control over message content, allowing them to review, edit, or delete messages before sending. Campaigns can also be deactivated at any time, providing users with complete autonomy over their outreach efforts.

More information on Hyperscale

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$99 /mo
Global Rank
Month Visit
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Top 5 Countries

United States India United Kingdom Romania France

Traffic Sources

Social Search Direct
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Hyperscale was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Hyperscale Alternatives

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  1. SellScale is an AI-powered tool that enables sales teams to personalize outreach campaigns at scale.

  2. Bitscale enables growth teams to scale up through AI-driven workflows, combining various features and data sources for effective lead sourcing and content optimization.

  3. Revolutionize lead generation, automate communication, and simplify website development with Bigly Sales. Harness the power of AI for your business.

  4. BuzzBoard provides a generative AI digital sales assistant platform to make sellers more confident and more successful with highly-personalized content across media types.

  5. Transform your outbound email strategy with a fully managed solution that guarantees compliance, leverages our cutting edge AI-powered technology, and offers an unbeatable ROI for generating sales leads.