Is It Shipped Yet?

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Ultimate platform for validating your ideas swiftly before you launch. Harness our advanced semantic search to instantly discover if your concept is already out in the world. A fast and efficient idea-checking tool for makers and indie hackers.0
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What is Is It Shipped Yet??

Are you brimming with a fresh, innovative idea but unsure if it’s already out there? Look no further! is here to revolutionize the way you pre-validate your ideas. Designed specifically for Makers and Indie Hackers, our platform empowers you to check the market instantly and for free!

Key Features:

  1. Advanced Semantic Search: Our cutting-edge AI semantic search technology goes beyond mere keywords, understanding the context of your idea. This enables us to uncover not just similar names, but similar concepts as well, ensuring a comprehensive search.

  2. Speed and Efficiency: With, you can find out in seconds whether your idea has already been realized by someone else. This saves you valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on developing truly unique projects.

  3. User-Friendly Interface: Our platform is built with simplicity in mind. Just type in your idea and receive immediate insights. No complex processes, no hassle.

  4. Coming Soon - Feature Comparison: Stay tuned for our upcoming feature that allows you to directly compare your idea’s features with existing projects. This will give you a clear competitive edge and help you refine your concept further.

  5. Wide Range of Data Sources: We pull information from popular platforms like Product Hunt and Reddit, and analyze reviews on Trustpilot to provide you with comprehensive insights about your potential competitors.

Use Cases:

  • Idea Validation: Pre-validate your idea before diving into development.

  • Market Research: Gain insights into existing projects and competitors.

  • Inspiration: Discover similar concepts to refine and enhance your idea.

How It Works:

  1. Type in your idea on our website.

  2. Our advanced AI semantic search technology will scan the market.

  3. Receive immediate insights on whether your idea is already shipped.

At, we understand the challenges faced by creators and innovators in ensuring the freshness and uniqueness of their ideas. That’s why we’ve built this platform – to help you validate quickly and launch successfully with confidence.

Try it out now for free and be a part of our journey towards innovation and success! Your feedback is invaluable to us. Let’s innovate confidently together! 

More information on Is It Shipped Yet?

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Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Is It Shipped Yet? was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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