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Jobcopy: Revolutionize your job application process with our AI-powered resume and cover letter builder. Create professional, tailored documents in minutes and stand out to potential employers0
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What is Jobcopy?

Jobcopy is an AI-powered tool that revolutionizes the job application process by providing a resume and cover letter builder. With its powerful features, users can create professional and tailored documents in minutes, helping them stand out to potential employers.

Key Features:

  1. 📝 AI Resume Builder: Create personalized resumes easily and quickly using Jobcopy's AI technology.

  2. 💌 AI Cover Letters: Generate personalized cover letters in seconds, saving time and effort.

  3. 🔍 AI Powered Job Search: Discover job opportunities from various platforms, including LinkedIn and Indeed, with a focus on remote work. Jobcopy's AI not only condenses job descriptions but also offers a unique job compatibility analysis.

Use Cases:

  1. Job Seeker with Limited Time: If you have limited time due to work or family commitments, Jobcopy can assist you in creating a professional resume and preparing for interviews efficiently.

  2. Experienced Professionals: For those who have been in the same industry for years and want to take on new challenges or advance in their field, Jobcopy can help create a resume that highlights their skills and showcases their transferable abilities.

  3. Career Changers: If you're seeking a career change, Jobcopy can assist in creating a resume that emphasizes your current skillset and highlights your transferable skills for the new job role you're pursuing.


Jobcopy is a game-changer in the job application process, offering an AI-powered resume and cover letter builder. With its easy-to-use features, it caters to job seekers with limited time, experienced professionals, career changers, and remote workers. By empowering users with personalized documents and job search capabilities, Jobcopy enhances their chances of finding the perfect job quickly and efficiently.

More information on Jobcopy

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$ 19 Billed monthly
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Top 5 Countries

United States India Ireland United Kingdom

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Jobcopy was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Jobcopy Alternatives

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  1. Get 10X more Job Interviews with JobCopilot. Automatically apply to jobs from 50,000+ companies worldwide. Try it today!

  2. ChatGPT powered, Cover Letter Copilot is the ultimate assistant for applying to jobs. Say goodbye to the stress of cover letter writing by generating AI cover letters in less than 60 seconds. Finally, a free AI cover letter generator that sounds like you.

  3. Transform your resume-building process with our cutting-edge free resume builder.

  4. Revolutionize your job search with JobHire AI! Tailor your resume for every application effortlessly. Boost your chances of landing interviews and your dream job. Experience the ease of AI-powered job hunting. Click to learn more!

  5. JobBuddy AI-powered Cover Letters Generator uses advanced machine learning to create personalized, professional cover letters specifically tailored to your unique career profile and target job. Highlighting your relevant qualifications and achievements, JobBuddy tool guarantees to make your application stand out.