Kalendar AI

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KalendarAI's sales agents generate revenue on autopilot by reaching your potential customers and booking meetings through autonomous live chat sessions from 200+ million companies globally0
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What is Kalendar AI?

KalendarAI's Sales Agents software is designed to help businesses generate revenue by automating the process of booking meetings or closing deals. With AI-powered live chat sessions, Sales Agents can reach potential customers from over 200 million companies globally. The software offers various agents for different purposes such as selling products/services, fundraising, freelancing, and recruiting. By creating a sales agent with your pitch and deploying AI-optimized mailboxes, Sales Agents autonomously invite prospects to live chat sessions and book revenue by setting up meetings.

Key Features:

1. Autonomous Live Chat Sessions: Sales Agents use AI-powered live chat sessions to engage with potential customers and book meetings or close deals.

2. Customizable Pitches: Users can create sales agents with personalized pitches that align with their business goals.

3. AI-Optimized Mailboxes: Each sales agent deploys spam-tolerant mailboxes that are optimized for maximum effectiveness in reaching prospects.

4. Global Reach: With access to over 200 million companies worldwide, Sales Agents can target a wide range of potential customers.

5. Lead Generation: The software helps users generate valid customer information including phone numbers, email addresses, and LinkedIn profiles.

6. Personalized Cold Email Outreach: Users can personalize cold emails on a large scale while ensuring they land in the recipient's inbox.

7. Language Support: KalendarAI supports more than 150 languages, allowing users to communicate effectively with prospects from diverse backgrounds.

Use Cases:

1. B2B Lead Generation: Businesses looking to expand their customer base can utilize Sales Agents' lead generation capabilities to find relevant contacts within enterprises and initiate conversations.

2. Automated Email Marketing: The software enables automated and personalized email marketing campaigns that help businesses reach decision-makers directly.

3. Meeting Booking Automation: Sales teams can save time by automating the process of scheduling meetings through autonomous live chat sessions conducted by Sales Agents.

4.Exclusive Deal Sealing: Sales Agents can also assist in sealing exclusive deals by autonomously negotiating and finalizing agreements with potential clients.

In conclusion, KalendarAI's Sales Agents software offers businesses a powerful tool for automating the process of booking meetings or closing deals. With its AI-powered live chat sessions, customizable pitches, and global reach, Sales Agents enable businesses to generate revenue on autopilot. The software is highly versatile and can be used for various purposes such as lead generation, email marketing, meeting automation, and deal sealing. By leveraging the capabilities of Sales Agents, businesses can streamline their sales processes and achieve higher efficiency in revenue generation.

More information on Kalendar AI

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Cloudflare CDN,unpkg,Gzip,OpenGraph,Stripe,Phusion Passenger

Top 5 Countries

United States India United Kingdom Germany Canada

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Mail Referrals Social
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Kalendar AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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