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LinkActions is a fully-automated internal linking tool for your website. Uncover the internal links you're missing out on, rank higher on Google and boost organic traffic. Works with any web platform.0
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What is LinkActions?

LinkActions is an AI-powered internal linking tool for websites, designed to boost SEO rankings and organic traffic by automating the creation of valuable internal links. It works seamlessly with any web platform, making the process effortless.

Key Features:

1️⃣ Automated Internal Linking: LinkActions scans your website's content and automatically generates 15,291 internal links, focusing on key phrases for maximum relevance.

2️⃣ Internal Links Report: Gain a clear overview of your website's link structure and track improvements over time.

3️⃣ Quick Setup: Easily install LinkActions with a simple copy-paste process compatible with any platform, allowing you to get started in minutes.

Use Cases:

  1. SEO Enhancement: LinkActions assists in optimizing your website's internal link structure, resulting in up to a 30% boost in traffic, making it perfect for businesses aiming to improve their search engine rankings.

  2. Time-Saving Automation: Save valuable time and effort by automating the tedious process of creating internal links manually, suitable for website owners looking to streamline their workflow.

  3. Platform Compatibility: LinkActions' flexibility in working with any web platform makes it ideal for businesses of all sizes, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of users.


LinkActions is the ultimate solution for enhancing your website's SEO performance and saving valuable time by automating internal link creation. With its compatibility across all web platforms, it's a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their online presence and boost organic traffic.

More information on LinkActions

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$30 / Month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used

Top 5 Countries

United States Belarus Russian Federation Turkey Colombia

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
LinkActions was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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LinkActions Alternatives

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  1. Fully automated an AI-powered tool designed to automatically plan and insert internal links on your website. Completely automated, requiring no manual input from you.

  2. Cut SEO grunt work in half.'s AI assistant analyzes content and suggests optimized, relevant links so you can boost site architecture and search traffic without the manual effort. The future of contextual internal linking.

  3. LinkSafari is the 1st SEO Suite for link building without budget and powered by AI. Uncover backlink opportunities tailored to your niche. Leverage AI-driven query generation for link discovery. Monitor, index, and disavow backlinks effortlessly.

  4. Forget the hassle of search operators and spreadsheets. We help you find, add, and track internal links with AI, making content optimization easier and more efficient.

  5. Analytics, A/B testing, ad retargeting and Call-To-Action overlays. All from a simple, short link.