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Create realistic Text to Voice and Video content is seconds! Choose from 900+ voices in 142 languages, download in MP3 or WAV formats.0
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What is Listnr?

Listnr is an AI-powered text to speech software that allows users to convert text into natural-sounding speech. It offers over 900 realistic voices in more than 142 languages, making it one of the best-rated text to speech tools on the market. Listnr also provides additional features such as podcasting capabilities, automated audio articles, and voice generation via API.

Key Features:

1. AI Voiceover Generator: Listnr's advanced AI text-to-speech editor can generate human-like voiceovers timed to perfection for various needs such as advertisements, e-learning, product demos, presentations, audiobooks, and YouTube videos.

2. Automated Audio Articles and Blogs: Listnr provides an easy-to-implement and automated audio article solution for publishers and content creators. Users can select the realistic voice they want to use and embed the small snippet in their code.

3. Voice Generation via API: Listnr's APIs provide developers with easy-to-set-up and reliable APIs for creating unique apps or games or enhancing customer experience with voiceover audio.

4. AI Podcasts: Users can create a podcast show from just text with Listnr. They can create professional-quality audio, publish their podcast on a branded page, and distribute it on all major platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

5. Text to Speech Editor: Listnr's state of the art Text to Speech Editor allows users to edit pitch, add pauses, change pronunciations, and adjust the speed of their message to perfection.

Use Cases: Listnr can be effectively utilized in situations where users need to create high-quality voiceovers, automated audio articles, or podcasts quickly and easily. It is suitable for publishers, content creators, developers, and anyone who needs to generate high-quality voiceovers in a matter of minutes.

Listnr is a powerful text to speech software that offers a range of features and benefits to users. With its extensive library of over 900 realistic voices in more than 142 languages, Listnr is one of the best-rated text to speech tools on the market. Whether users need to create voiceovers, audio articles, or podcasts, Listnr provides a reliable and easy-to-use solution. With Listnr, users can save time and money while creating high-quality content that engages their audience.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Listnr was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. NaturalReader: Free Text to Speech for Online, Mobile App, Commercial license and Education with AI voices.

  3. Generate lifelike audio in seconds, ideal for podcasts, video voice-overs, personal greetings, IVR phone systems and more.

  4. Get the most human-like voice for text-to-speech conversion with Voiser. Choose from 550+ voices in 75+ languages. Try it free now!

  5. TexTalky is a cloud based A.I technology that converts any text to a lifelike human voice using the latest AI WaveNet Technology – powered by Google, IBM, Microsoft & Amazon.