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Analyze and generate insights from databases with Patterns Analytics. Make data requests in natural language and share data assets easily.0
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What is Patterns?

Patterns Analytics is an AI-powered software that allows users to analyze and generate insights from their databases. By connecting the database to the software, users can make data requests in natural language and receive answers within minutes. The software also enables users to share data assets such as PDFs, CSVs, and SVG files anywhere they need. With Patterns Analytics, companies can train their bots to analyze data like human analysts, making it easier for teams to work with data effectively.

Key Features:

1. Natural Language Data Requests: Users can ask questions or make requests in natural language through tools like Slack, Linear, Jira, or email. The bot instantly analyzes the database and provides answers in minutes.

2. On-the-Fly Data Slicing: Patterns Analytics allows users to cut their data into infinite slices on the fly by making requests in natural language. This feature enables users to generate beautiful insights without being blocked by errors when working with data.

3. Embeddable and Shareable Insights: Users can easily share their data assets such as PDFs, CSVs, and SVG files anywhere they need – whether it's via email, Slack channels, Google Slides presentations or Powerpoint slides.

Use Cases:

1. Business Analysis: Patterns Analytics helps businesses gain valuable insights from their databases by allowing them to ask questions about completed deliveries or calculate metrics like Gross Merchandize Value (GMV). Users can generate detailed analyses backed by code and visualizations for better decision-making.

2. Customizable Bots: Companies can customize their bots' instructions for querying specific datasets and preparing analyses according to their business needs. This feature empowers teams with autonomous problem-solving capabilities while ensuring accuracy in interpreting results against existing analyses.

3. Interactive Dashboards: With Patterns Analytics' interactive dashboard feature, users can turn any request into a well-documented analysis that can be scheduled and refreshed on any cadence desired.

Patterns Analytics is a powerful AI tool that revolutionizes how companies work with data. By providing natural language data requests, on-the-fly data slicing, and embeddable insights, the software empowers users to gain autonomy in analyzing their databases. With customizable bots and interactive dashboards, Patterns Analytics enables teams to make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date analyses. Sign up now to experience the benefits of Patterns Analytics and transform your company's data strategy.

More information on Patterns

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
30 day free trial, $100/mo after
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Plausible Analytics,Vercel,Emotion,Atom,Gzip,OpenGraph,OpenSearch,RSS,Algolia,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States Senegal Chile Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Indonesia

Traffic Sources

Referrals Direct Social Mail Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Patterns was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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