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What is Persuwise?

Persuwise is an AI-driven email enhancement tool that helps users cultivate genuine connections through effective outreach. By providing contextual information about prospects, a 360° view of contacts and their organizations, and actionable AI-generated insights, Persuwise enables users to tailor their emails for maximum impact. The tool also offers an email scoring assistant with writing tips, mobile preview functionality, and a scoring system to refine the quality of emails.

Key Features:

1. Contextual Information: Persuwise provides users with contextual information about their prospects, including work histories, educational backgrounds, and social media activities. This allows users to gain a comprehensive understanding of their contacts before reaching out.

2. Company Insights: With Persuwise's app, users can access a 360° view of their contacts' organizations. They can discover company details such as size, revenue, technologies used, HR and financial data. This knowledge helps users tailor their approach based on the prospect's needs and context.

3. Actionable AI-Generated Insights: Persuwise goes beyond surface-level information by offering actionable AI-generated insights into the motivations and responsibilities of contacts. Users can uncover challenges and motivations to foster meaningful connections.

Use Cases:

1. Sales Outreach: When reaching out to potential clients or leads in sales outreach efforts, Persuwise provides valuable insights that help personalize emails for better engagement. By understanding the prospect's background and company dynamics through contextual information and company insights provided by the tool, sales professionals can craft tailored messages that resonate with recipients.

2. Networking Events: Attending networking events often involves meeting new people from various industries or companies where there may be limited prior knowledge available about them beforehand.Persuwise comes in handy here by providing instant access to contextual information about attendees.With this feature,user will have relevant conversation starters at hand which will help build rapport quickly during networking events

3.Job Applications :When applying for jobs,Persuwise can be used to gather information about the company and its employees. By having access to company details, such as size, revenue, and technologies used, job applicants can tailor their cover letters or follow-up emails to showcase their understanding of the organization's needs and demonstrate how they can contribute effectively.

Persuwise is a powerful AI-driven email enhancement tool that empowers users with valuable insights for effective outreach. With features like contextual information, company insights, actionable AI-generated insights, an email scoring assistant with writing tips, mobile preview functionality,and a scoring system,Persuwise helps users craft personalized emails that stand out in every scenario. Whether it's sales outreach or networking events,Persuwise enables users to cultivate genuine connections by tailoring their messages based on prospect needs and context. It is an invaluable tool for professionals looking to enhance their email communication skills and achieve better results in their outreach efforts.

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$19.50 per month
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Updated Date: 2024-04-30
Persuwise was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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