
Create professional images for free with PhotoRoom, the popular AI photo editor. Remove backgrounds, erase objects, and generate realistic product images easily. Edit hundreds of photos at once with the Batch Editor feature. Perfect for e-commerce, small businesses, and influencers. Download now!0
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What is Photoroom?

PhotoRoom is a popular AI photo editor that allows users to create professional images for free. It offers several key features, including the ability to remove backgrounds with ease, erase unwanted objects and defects, and instantly create realistic product images using AI-powered Instant Backgrounds. With PhotoRoom, users can edit hundreds of photos at once with the Batch Editor feature.

Key Features:

1. Remove Background: PhotoRoom makes it effortless to remove backgrounds from photos. Users can quickly and accurately erase the background, ensuring that the focus remains on the foreground subject. This feature is 2x more accurate than other apps in achieving precise results.

2. Object Removal: Unwanted objects or defects in photos can be easily eliminated with just a swipe of a fingertip using PhotoRoom's object removal feature. This ensures that snapshots are flawless and ready for use.

3. Instant Backgrounds: Using advanced AI technology, PhotoRoom's Instant Backgrounds feature enables users to create studio-quality product images within seconds. By automatically generating realistic backgrounds, this tool saves time and effort while producing professional-looking results.

Use Cases:

- E-commerce Sellers: Online sellers can benefit greatly from PhotoRoom by creating high-quality product images without needing an expensive photo studio setup or spending hours editing each image individually.

- Small Business Owners: Entrepreneurs who need visually appealing pictures for their websites or social media platforms will find value in removing cluttered backgrounds and replacing them with more suitable ones.

- Social Media Influencers: Instagrammers or content creators looking to enhance their visual content will appreciate how easy it is to remove distractions from their photos using PhotoRoom.

How to Use:

1. Download and install the PhotoRoom app on your device.

2. Open the app and select a photo you want to edit.

3. Use the "Remove Background" tool by highlighting areas you want to keep as foreground subjects.

4. Tap on "Apply" to remove the background.

5. To remove unwanted objects, use the "Object Removal" tool and swipe over the areas you want to erase.

6. For creating instant backgrounds, choose the "Instant Backgrounds" feature and let AI generate realistic backgrounds for your product images.

7. To edit multiple photos simultaneously, utilize the Batch Editor by selecting multiple images and applying desired edits in one go.


PhotoRoom is a powerful AI photo editor that simplifies the process of editing images with its intuitive features. Whether you need to remove backgrounds, erase objects, or create professional-looking product images quickly, PhotoRoom offers an efficient solution. With its affordability and ease of use, PhotoRoom empowers users to transform their ordinary photos into visually appealing assets for various purposes such as e-commerce listings or social media content creation.

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Next.js,Vercel,Gzip,OpenGraph,Progressive Web App,Webpack,HSTS

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Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Photoroom was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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