Probz AI

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Probz helps you gather detailed insights on your ideas with Video Insights & AI Analysis Solutions.0
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What is Probz AI?

Probz is a cutting-edge insights platform that harnesses the power of quantitative, qualitative, and video research, backed by AI analysis. Designed to provide brands with a comprehensive understanding of their target audience, Probz offers a unique blend of data collection and analysis tools. With a user base of over 10 million globally, Probz enables businesses to gather vast amounts of feedback, facilitating informed decision-making from ideation to execution.

Key Features

  1. 🌐 Global Panel Access: Tap into a panel of over 10 million users worldwide to gather diverse insights.

  2. 📊 Quantitative Research: Utilize quantitative methods to understand user behavior and preferences on a large scale.

  3. 🎥 Video Insights: Capture video responses for deeper, more nuanced insights into user opinions and experiences.

  4. 🧠 AI Analysis: Leverage AI to analyze data, generate hypotheses, and provide actionable insights.

  5. 🔄 End-to-End Solution: From survey creation to data analysis, Probz offers a seamless, integrated research process.

Use Cases

  1. Behavior Research: A marketing team uses Probz to understand customer preferences, leading to tailored marketing strategies and increased sales.

  2. Product Development: A tech company collects feedback on a new product, refining it to better meet user needs and boost satisfaction.

  3. Marketing & Branding: A brand uses Probz to gauge the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns, resulting in improved strategies and enhanced brand loyalty.


Probz is more than just a survey tool; it’s a comprehensive insights platform that empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. By combining the power of quant, qual, and video research with AI analysis, Probz offers a holistic view of the target audience, enabling brands to navigate from ideation to execution with confidence. Join the ranks of satisfied customers like Kroozz and Minifeels, and experience the transformative power of informed insights with Probz.

More information on Probz AI

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Probz AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Probz AI Alternatives

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  1. Conduct hundreds of conversations at once using AI, getting deeper insights than a survey at a fraction of the cost of human-moderated interviews.

  2. Powered by AI and machine learning, SurveyMonkey Genius® helps you create better surveys, gather higher-quality responses, and spot insights quicker.

  3. UserTesting AI processes multiple data streams—video, audio, text, and behavioral data—to uncover contextual insights you would have missed otherwise.

  4. AI powered research. Skip the costly surveys and questionnaires, use OpinioAI to generate all the synthetic data you'll need for your research.

  5. Lightning-Fast Feedback and Automated KPIs with EvalPro AI!