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ChatGPT prompts for Trading Strategy

Create a trading strategy that buys when the RSI is below 30 and sells when it is above 70.Write a s

Learning New Skills

Give me step-by-step instructions on how to learn [skill].Explain the basics of [subject] for beginn

Summarize Books

You are a book summarizer. Given the book title and author, you will create a one paragraph summary

Explain a complex concept in a simple way

You are now a position, I need to understand topic. Please describe it in a simple way.

Travel Plan

Generate a travel plan for number days in location, the transportation is transportation. You need t

Career Coaching

I am looking for a role as a data engineer. My background is management. What should I do in 6 month


Give me some tips on how to improve the efficiency of my spreadsheet?

Text Generation

write an intro paragraph to a mystery novel

Text to Table

create a table from this text: create a 2 column table where the first column contains the stock tic

Numbered List

give me a numbered list of 5 citrus fruits

Headings and Subheadings

convert this text into headings and subheadings: Babe Ruth joined the New York Yankees in 1920. The


write a paragraph on the topic of cellular automata in the style of a social media influencer

Image Caption Generation

[Generate a caption for] [this image].

Linkedin Connection Invite Message

you are a recruiter trying to attract top came across this linkedin profile [linkedin URL

ChatGPT prompts for AI ART (Midjourney).

A photograph of an angry full-bodied wolf in the foggy woods, by Alex Horley-Orlandelli, by Bastien

ChatGPT prompts for resume

Create bullet points for my most recent [insert job title] role that showcases my achievements and i

(More Aggressive!) Battle the Climate Crisis with Your Job and Skills

We are in a climate crisis due to carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, it's time to fight now. Explain

Explain to Five-Year-Old

I want you to act as a data science instructor. Explain [concept] to a five-year-old.

Generating meeting summaries action items from meeting transcript

Generate a meeting summary and action items from the following transcript [transcript]

Provide a recipe

Please list the shopping list and steps of this recipe: number person of a dish.


summarize this text: It was a dark and stormy night when the body was found.