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Incident management process

As a head of engineering, write a robust incident management process for engineers to follow

Procurement process

As a head of engineering, write a robust process for procuring software / services from an external

Ways of working

As an engineering manager, what are the ways of working for a company working in [area or domain], h

Programme status updates

As a technical programme manager, write a format for programme status update to the head of engineer

Metrics to measure a product’s performance

As a product manager, what are the key metrics you can use to assess performance of a product that p

Communicating a pivot

Act as founder of your company, write a communication to your team announcing a pivot in your compan

Responding to negative feedback from customers

Act as a founder, please respond to negative feedbacks and reviews about your company. Address this

Communicating missing goal to executive team

Act as manager, you need to communicate your team missed goals in most recent quarter to your execut

Give negative feedbacks in 1-1

Act as a manager, you need to give negative feedback (the specific feedback). Give a few options on

Announce change in personnel in the team

Act as manager, you need to announce a change in personnel on your team. Write a communication to yo

Communicate technical concept to non-technical person

Act as an engineer manager, can you use layman term to explain docker and containerization to a non-

Communicate change in code standard

Act as engineer manager, you need to get your team onboard with a decision to change coding standard

Internal Memos

Write an internal memo to [specific department/team] regarding [topic].In the memo, explain [key det

Smart Domain Name Generator

I want you to act as a smart domain name generator. I will tell you what my company or idea does and

Business Ideas Without Funding

Please give me a list of 10 business ideas that are best to pursue right now, even without funding.

Act as `Position` Interviewer

I want you to act as an interviewer. I will be the candidate and you will ask me the interview quest

Product Brochure

Create a brochure outlining the features and benefits of [product]. Include customer testimonials an

Customer Case Study

Write a customer case study highlighting how [company name] used [product name] to [achieve success]