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Transcribe audio effortlessly with Recos - a web app powered by OpenAI's Whisper API. Scalable, private, and user-friendly. Try it now!0
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What is Recos?

Recos is a convenient web application that transcribes audio content into text. It is powered by the robust Whisper API from OpenAI, ensuring stability. With the ability to handle large files (up to 100 MB), Recos ensures scalability. Maintaining data privacy, it does not store audio files on its servers, making it secure and confidential.

Key Features:

  1. 🗣️ Transcribe Audio: Easily transcribe audio content into text, making podcasts, interviews, and lectures accessible in written form.

  2. 💾 Scalable Processing: Recos can transcribe large audio files (up to 100 MB) with ease, enabling transcription of lengthy discussions or presentations.

  3. 🔐 Privacy-Focused: Your audio files remain private. Recos operates based on a strict no-storage policy, ensuring complete confidentiality for your sensitive content.

Use Cases:

  1. 🎓 Podcast Transcription: Podcasters can effortlessly convert audio episodes into text, improving SEO visibility, enhancing accessibility, and allowing for quick content searches.

  2. 📝 Interview Analysis: Transcribe interviews efficiently to aid in research, easily extract key insights, and perform sentiment analysis on interviewee responses.

  3. 🎙️ Lecture Note-Taking: Students can transcribe lectures into text, helping them review and comprehend complex concepts at their own pace.


Recos simplifies audio transcription, offering stability, scalability, and privacy. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features empower individuals and professionals to transcribe audio effortlessly. Whether you're a podcaster, researcher, student, or anyone working with audio content, Recos is your trusted transcription partner.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Recos was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. WhisperTranscribe: Convert audio to written content effortlessly. Accurate transcription and automatic content generation. Try it for free today!

  2. provides accurate and efficient automatic transcription services with features like AI-powered precision, speaker diarization, captions, summaries, and flexible pricing plans.

  3. TranscribeAudio is an easy-to-use transcription tool and editor that can convert your audio files to text in minutes.

  4. Effortlessly transcribe audio with GoWhisper - a secure, versatile, and affordable desktop app. Supports 99 languages and multiple export formats.

  5. WavveAI converts voice notes into text that's easy to read. Createmeeting notes, memos, emails, articles and more.