Scene One

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What is Scene One?

Scene One is a groundbreaking book writing software designed for web browsers, offering an intuitive and efficient platform for authors. It simplifies the writing process with a user-friendly text editor and comprehensive management tools for scenes and projects. Secure cloud storage ensures accessibility from any device, while a range of features enhances productivity and creativity.

Key Features:

  1. Intuitive Text Editor: 📝 A simple and distraction-free interface for smooth writing flow.

  2. Project and Scene Management: 📚 Organize your work effortlessly with automated scene and project organization.

  3. Cloud Storage: ☁️ Access and sync your work across all devices securely.

  4. AI Writing Assistant: 🤖 Accelerate your writing process with AI-generated suggestions.

  5. Custom Wiki for World Building: 🌍 Create detailed character and setting profiles, with automatic story element tagging.

Use Cases:

  1. Aspiring Authors: Perfect for beginners looking to write their first novel with ease.

  2. Seasoned Writers: Offers advanced tools for managing complex projects and enhancing productivity.

  3. Multi-Device Writers: Ensures seamless writing experience across desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones.

How Does It Work?

Scene One operates within your web browser, eliminating the need for downloads or installations. It provides a straightforward text editor combined with AI-powered writing assistance and comprehensive project management tools. Your work is automatically saved to the cloud, allowing for seamless synchronization across devices.

How to Use?

Sign up for a free account, and start writing immediately. Utilize the AI Writing Assistant for creative boosts, organize your scenes with the project manager, and build your story’s world with the custom wiki. Export your manuscripts in PDF or DocX format when ready.


Scene One is more than just a writing tool; it’s a partner in your literary journey. With its array of features and user-friendly design, it empowers writers of all levels to bring their stories to life effortlessly. Experience the future of web-based writing with Scene One’s free two-week trial and step into a world where your creativity knows no bounds.

More information on Scene One

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
$9 USD per month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,jQuery,Gzip,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,Progressive Web App,HSTS,Apache

Top 5 Countries

United States Senegal Turkey Colombia Chile

Traffic Sources

Referrals Direct Social Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Scene One was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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