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SEOByAI is a powerful AI tool designed to supercharge your marketing efforts and boost your search engine rankings without costing you a penny.0
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What is SEOByAI?

SEOByAI is a collection of free AI tools designed to help indie hackers, founders, and agencies improve their SEO rankings. With features like generating high-quality SEO articles, finding relevant keywords, and detecting AI-generated content, SEOByAI simplifies the SEO process and allows users to focus on their core competencies.

Key Features:

  1. 📝 Machined: Generate high-quality SEO articles effortlessly, trusted by over 4,000 founders to drive millions of impressions and clicks to their websites.

  2. 🔍 AI SEO Keyword Tool: Discover relevant keywords for your landing page or website without any cost or sign-up required.

  3. 🕵️ AI Content Detector: Determine if your content was written by a human or generated by AI, providing valuable insights into the authenticity of your content.

Use Cases:

  1. Improve Content Creation: Use Machined to effortlessly generate SEO articles, saving time and ensuring high-quality content that drives website traffic.

  2. Enhance Keyword Optimization: Utilize the AI SEO Keyword Tool to identify relevant keywords, optimizing your landing pages and website for improved search engine rankings.

  3. Verify Content Authenticity: Employ the AI Content Detector to ensure your content is written by humans, maintaining credibility and trust with your audience.


SEOByAI offers a comprehensive suite of free AI tools that empower indie hackers, founders, and agencies to enhance their SEO strategies. By simplifying content creation, optimizing keyword usage, and verifying content authenticity, SEOByAI enables users to rank higher in search engine results, driving more traffic and achieving their business goals.

More information on SEOByAI

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United States Philippines United Kingdom Netherlands Malaysia

Traffic Sources

Direct Social Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
SEOByAI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Boost your blog's performance with BlogSEO AI. Generate dynamic keywords, optimize content, streamline production, and more with AI-powered features.

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