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Songen is an AI-powered iOS music generator app. It generates an endless amount of unique royalty-free music loops and songs. Export in midi and audio on the go and finish in your DAW.0
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What is Songen?

Songen is an AI-powered music generator app that allows users to create unique royalty-free music loops and songs. With the ability to export in MIDI and audio formats, Songen serves as a co-producer on the go for music producers. Its real-time AI engine provides endless possibilities for creating inspiring musical compositions.

Key Features:

1️⃣ Generate: Tap to generate unique music loops of different genres, allowing users to explore various vibes and styles.

2️⃣ Customize: Fine-tune generated compositions by adjusting tempo, key, and instrumentation.

3️⃣ Export: Easily export creations as MIDI files or audio samples for further editing in digital audio workstations (DAWs).

4️⃣ Quick Ideas: Create chord progressions, melodies, basslines, and drum loops on the go with selected or random genres.

5️⃣ Constant Updates: Regular app updates ensure that Songen stays up-to-date with trending music genres.

Use Cases:

1. Music Creators: When running out of song ideas or seeking inspiration, Songen acts as a co-producer in your pocket by generating endless unique royalty-free music ingredients.

2. Songwriters and Artists: Use Songen to find backing tracks for vocals or spark ideas for new songs.

3. Producers: Enhance your productivity as a music producer by leveraging Songen's ability to generate an unlimited amount of royalty-free music elements.


With its powerful AI engine and user-friendly interface, Songen revolutionizes the way musicians create original compositions. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an aspiring artist, this app offers a fun and efficient way to explore new musical territories. Download it now and experience firsthand how it can enhance your creative process!

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Songen was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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