Sumr tldr

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Summarize web pages with Sumr extension on Safari browser. No app switching or ChatGPT subscription needed. Uses OpenAI API key – one summary costs a fraction of a cent.0
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What is Sumr tldr?

Sumr is a Safari browser extension designed to provide concise summaries of web pages, enhancing your reading efficiency without the need for switching apps or ChatGPT subscriptions. Utilizing the OpenAI API, Sumr offers a cost-effective solution for article summarization, with each summary costing just a fraction of a cent.

Key Features:

  1. Seamless Safari Integration:Sumr works directly within Safari, ensuring a smooth browsing experience. 🌐

  2. On-Demand AI Assistance:The AI in Sumr is unobtrusive, only activated when you need it. 🚀

  3. Simple Operation:One-click summarization and sharing, keeping things straightforward. 📝

  4. Local Summary Storage:Summaries are saved on your device, allowing easy access to previously visited web pages. 📦

  5. Cross-Platform Compatibility:Compatible with iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and even Vision OS. 🖥️📱

  6. Cost-Effective:Uses your OpenAI API key, eliminating subscription fees and charging only for what you use. 💰

  7. Sharing Features:Summaries can be easily shared, complete with source URLs for referencing. 📤

Use Cases:

  1. Efficient Reading:Sumr helps you quickly grasp the essence of lengthy articles, saving time and effort. 

  2. Product Research:Get a concise overview of product pages, aiding in decision-making. 

  3. Professional Networking:Summarize company profiles and job postings for better insights. 


Sumr is more than just a summarization tool; it’s a productivity enhancer that fits seamlessly into your browsing routine. By providing clear, concise summaries, Sumr helps you navigate the vast sea of information available online, ensuring that you spend your time wisely. Try Sumr today and experience the difference in your reading and research workflows.

More information on Sumr tldr

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Sumr tldr was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Sumr tldr Alternatives

Load more Alternatives
  1. Sumz condenses lengthy articles, blog posts, or any text-based content into concise summaries, saving you valuable time and effort. With customizable settings to tailor summaries to your individual preferences

  2. Save time and effort with SummarizR! This AI-based tool offers free transcription and summarization services for various document formats.

  3. offers a streamlined solution for managing newsletter subscriptions, providing users with personalized summary digests to save time and optimize information consumption.

  4. Web3 Summary is the leading defi and nft research platform for up and coming defi researchers and nft flippers.

  5. Save time and understand content better with SummarQ, a free ChatGPT-driven web app. Summarize videos, texts, and Q&As with ease.