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Synapti helps in the learning process. You can learn math, language, geography, and much more in dif0
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What is Synapti?

Synapti is a learning platform that offers expert-prepared courses or the ability to create personalized courses. With a wide range of courses in different languages, from infants to professionals, Synapti provides a flexible and efficient way to learn.

Key Features:

Courses prepared by experts and the option to create personalized courses

Courses available for different age groups and levels of expertise

Artificial intelligence-powered learning for more efficient learning

Real-time updates on learning progress

Synapti is a versatile learning platform that allows users to take advantage of expert-prepared courses or create their own tailored courses. With a vast selection of courses available, covering different languages and age groups, users can easily find the course they need. The platform also utilizes artificial intelligence to optimize learning efficiency, making it up to 80% more effective compared to traditional methods. With real-time updates on learning progress, users can ensure they have mastered the material.

More information on Synapti

Pricing Model
Starting Price
€15 Monthly
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,cdnjs,unpkg,Google Fonts,PHP,Apache

Top 5 Countries

United Kingdom

Traffic Sources

Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2023-11-17
Synapti was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. AptoLearn is an educational platform designed to cater to the learning styles, goals, and preferences of each user.

  2. Synaptiq is an AI-powered medical training platform that boosts learning speed and memory retention 7X

  3. Revolutionize your educational content creation process with Tiny Academy. Build and launch captivating courses in seconds with the power of AI.

  4. Once, creating a course used to take months. With EverLearns, that can be done in 5 minutes. Think about all the time, effort, and energy you save! Educators, content creators, and parents — This is what you've been looking for.

  5. CogniSpark Studio - AI eLearning Authoring tool, AI tutor and AI video generation platform which is your ultimate learning solution for creating learning and training course and content with ease.