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You know AI would boost your team, but your boss is worried about data leaks. Meet Trelent, your team's fully-encrypted AI assistant that ensures nobody outside your team can see company data.0
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What is Trelent?

Trelent is an AI assistant designed to enhance team productivity while prioritizing data security. Unlike other chatbots, Trelent ensures complete encryption, safeguarding sensitive company information from prying eyes, including its own employees.

Key Features:

  1. 🔒 Content Logging Disabled: Trelent does not engage in content logging, ensuring that your data remains confidential and inaccessible to third parties.

  2. 🔐 Field-level Encryption: In addition to encrypting data at rest, Trelent encrypts specific database fields, enhancing security measures even in the event of a breach.

  3. 🛡️ BYOK Encryption: Trelent offers a Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) encryption option, allowing users to employ their encryption keys for added peace of mind and control over data access.

Use Cases:

  1. Secure Team Collaboration: Trelent facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among team members, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected from unauthorized access.

  2. Compliance Assurance: Companies operating in regulated industries can rely on Trelent to meet stringent data privacy requirements, safeguarding confidential client information and maintaining regulatory compliance.

  3. Confidential Data Handling: Trelent is ideal for organizations handling proprietary data or intellectual property, providing a secure environment for data exchange and storage without compromising confidentiality.


Trelent offers a robust solution for teams seeking to leverage AI without sacrificing data security. With features like content logging disabled, field-level encryption, and BYOK encryption, Trelent ensures that sensitive company information remains confidential and inaccessible to unauthorized parties. By prioritizing data privacy and security, Trelent empowers teams to collaborate effectively while maintaining peace of mind regarding data protection and compliance.

More information on Trelent

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$50 /month ea.
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United States Philippines France Hong Kong

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Trelent was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  4. Protect your customers’ data and privacy with your own 360° conversational AI platform. AI-assisted live chat automation and natural language chatbots that run in your private cloud.

  5. Build an AI-powered customer care agent with Ajent in just 5 minutes. Always-on support, fast responses, secure data storage, and more.