Trend Hunter

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Trend Hunter has added the power of Artificial Intelligence to accelerate our trend library and research.0
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What is Trend Hunter?

Trend Hunter GPT is an AI tool that helps you create trend-based essays and reports on any topic. It offers AI keynotes and workshops, a future festival focused on AI, AI + human research and advisory services, AI frameworks and books, and a powerful AI tool called Trend Hunter GPT. With its comprehensive insights, content enhancements, and curated client experiences, Trend Hunter GPT maximizes the power of AI to deliver personalized and actionable trend reports.

Key Features:

1. AI Keynotes, Workshops & AI Innovation Accelerator: Customizable AI keynotes and workshops for all audience levels, from advising tech companies on AI strategy to helping non-tech brands reshape their strategies with AI.

2. AI-Themed Future Festival: An epic event exploring how AI shapes consumer trends and the future.

3. AI + Human Research & Advisory: Unlock the full potential of AI with custom trend advisory and research services, delivering better research 20x faster.

Use Cases:

1. Tech Company Strategy: Trend Hunter GPT helps tech companies develop AI strategies through AI keynotes, workshops, and innovation acceleration.

2. Non-Tech Brand Strategy: Leading non-tech brands can reshape their strategies with AI using Trend Hunter GPT's AI keynotes and workshops.

3. Custom Trend Reports: Trend Hunter GPT offers AI-powered trend advisory and research services, delivering custom trend reports to leading brands.


Trend Hunter GPT is a powerful AI tool that enables businesses to stay ahead of trends and make informed decisions. With its AI keynotes, workshops, and innovation acceleration, it helps tech companies and non-tech brands develop effective AI strategies. Its custom trend reports and research services leverage AI to deliver comprehensive insights and actionable takeaways, empowering brands to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

More information on Trend Hunter

Pricing Model
Free Trial
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Global Rank
United States
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Top 5 Countries

United States India Viet Nam Bolivia, Plurinational State of Turkey

Traffic Sources

Referrals Direct Search Mail
Updated Date: 2024-04-01
Trend Hunter was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Trend Hunter Alternatives

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  1. Build your own chatbot without coding with GPT-trainer. Deliver exceptional customer support, streamline processes, break language barriers, and more. Try it now!

  2. StudyGPT: An AI study assistant offering instant responses, quiz generation, writing support, document analysis, and more. Enhance your learning with StudyGPT's seamless browser integration and 30 free AI queries per day.

  3. Get powerful AI features for Google Docs, Sheets, Gmail. Create high-quality content, generate articles, summaries, correct grammar, and more with GPT.

  4. Discover, the ultimate content creator's assistant tool! Overcome writer's block with customized social media prompts and ideas. Save and organize your favorites for easy retrieval. Compatible with all devices. Conquer creative challenges and produce engaging content that resonates with your audience.

  5. Elevate Your Confidence for Virtual Interviews with Our Comprehensive Video Assessment Tools and Resources