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Homework? We've got this. Tutorly.ai is your AI powered homework assistant that can answer any questions, write essays, and handle all of your school requirements!0
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What is Tutorly?

Tutorly.ai is an AI-powered software designed to assist students with their homework. It offers a range of features that can help users get fact-checked answers, generate essay outlines, paraphrase content, and engage in detailed conversations about their homework.

Key Features:

1. Ask: With the "Ask" feature, users can ask any question related to their homework and receive fact-checked answers. The AI assistant is trained on millions of courses, ensuring accurate and reliable information.

2. Essay: The "Essay" feature allows users to generate an outline for their essays. By inputting relevant keywords or topics, the software creates a structured framework that helps students organize their thoughts and arguments effectively.

3. Paraphrase: Tutorly.ai's "Paraphrase" feature enables users to reword any content into a new voice while maintaining its original meaning. This tool helps students avoid plagiarism by providing alternative ways to express ideas without copying directly from the source material.

Use Cases:

- Scenario 1: A student is struggling with understanding a complex concept in physics. They can use the "Ask" feature to pose specific questions related to the topic and receive clear explanations from the AI assistant.

- Scenario 2: A student needs assistance in writing an essay on Shakespearean literature but doesn't know where to start. By using the "Essay" feature, they can input key themes or characters from the play and receive an organized outline that guides them through each section of their essay.

- Scenario 3: A student wants to include information from various sources in their research paper but needs help rephrasing it in their own words. The "Paraphrase" feature allows them to input sentences or paragraphs and obtain alternative versions that maintain coherence while avoiding plagiarism.


Tutorly.ai provides valuable support for students facing challenges with homework assignments across different subjects. Its features such as fact-checked answers through 'Ask', essay outline generation with 'Essay', and content rewording using 'Paraphrase' make it a versatile tool for students at all levels of education. By leveraging the power of AI, Tutorly.ai aims to enhance learning experiences and help students achieve academic success.


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Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Cloudflare CDN,Gzip,HTTP/3,OpenGraph,Progressive Web App

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United States Turkey Russian Federation Viet Nam Colombia

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Tutorly was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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