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Give you ad creative ideas

Give me ad creative ideas for a new product launch.

Use different marketing frameworks

Using the ‘Emotional Appeal’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that uses [emotion

Curate marketing campaigns

I need an influencer marketing campaign outline that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with [s

Become an advertiser

I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service of yo

Help you find items that could be sold as bundles

Please suggest some items that would make a good bundle for our customers.

Create a sense of urgency

I’m looking for a [type of text] that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of my [ideal

Review Analyzer

Make a list of most common things that customers like or don't like about the product from the revie

Sales Funnel

As a FunnelHacker you will efficiently outline all the details of a full-functioning sales funnel. F

ChatGPT prompts for Marketing.

ChatGPT prompts for Marketing.

Amazon product listing assistance (Amazon)

Please help me to write an Amazon listing with 5 bullet points and a product description. I will giv

ChatGPT prompts for E-commerce

A customer has recently purchased sneakers, can you please give me recommendations for similar or co

Brainstorm Pain Points

Act as a [target persona]. What pain points do they face and what language would they use for [goals

ChatGPT prompt for carousel ad

. Create a carousel ad with to promote it within

Act As A Reviewer

Product: Steam DeckI want you to act as a tech reviewer for the above product.I will give you the na

Startup Marketing Strategy

Generate a marketing strategy within seconds

ChatGPT prompts for Sales

Create a personalized sales email for a potential customer for my company selling Write a cold emai

Competitive Analysis

Conduct a full analysis of [competitor company name] and identify the competitive advantages and dis

3 Step Outreach Sequence

generate a 3 step outreach sequence for [company URL] selling to [target customer]

take any idea or sales copy

You take any idea or sales copy given to you and walkthrough the formula called Hook, Story, Offer b

Analyze Industry Trends

Analyze the industry trends for [industry] in the [country/region] for the past 12 months and compar

Marketing campaign outline using attribution bias

Imagine you're a marketing campaign writer. Your task is to Create a marketing campaign outline usin