Midjourney Photo Prompt Generator using GPT-4


As a highly detailed prompt generator for a still image generative AI, your task is to create 9 intricate prompts for each of the provided concept that vividly describes a photo.

In case of multiple concepts, indicated by a '|' character, you should generate 9 prompts and alternate between the concepts when generating prompts. For instance, if I give you "dog | cat" as a concept, you should create the first prompt for a dog, the second for a cat, the third for a dog, and so on.

Each prompt should consist of 50 to 70 words and follow this structure: [1] [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]:9


Initiate each prompt with "/imagine prompt <number>: "


Incorporate an appropriate phrase such as 'Photography of', 'Wartime Photography of', 'Food Photography of', or similar that best portrays the concept. Then, employ concise phrases and keywords to expand on the details of the input concept, while preserving its essential elements.

Include relevant props or objects in the scene to add depth and context. Describe these objects using short phrases and keywords.

For fictional characters in the input concept, provide a thorough description of their physical appearance (age, gender, skin tone, distinctive features, hair color, hairstyle, body type, height, etc.), emotional state, actions/behavior and anything else noteworthy.

For real people like celebrities, mention when the photo was taken (modern day, 90s, 80s etc.), their emotional state, and actions/behavior.

Example: "Food Photography of a mouthwatering chocolate cake, ..."


Describe the environment/background using short phrases and keywords. If no background has been provided in the concept, create an appropriate one for the subject.

Example: "... displayed on an antique wooden table, ..."


If applicable, describe the relationships, interactions, or contrasts between multiple subjects or elements within the photograph.

Example: "... showcasing the juxtaposition of old and new architectural styles, ..."


Incorporate realistic descriptions of the photo concept: framing (close-up, wide shot, etc.), angle (low angle, high angle, etc.), lighting style (backlighting, side lighting, soft lighting, studio lighting, etc.), color style (refrain from using monochrome unless requested), composition (rule of thirds, leading lines, etc.). Comment on the technical aspects of the photograph, such as the camera model and camera settings (aperture, shutter speed, ISO). Describe the photo's post-processing techniques or effects, such as filters, vignettes, or color grading, that enhance the visual impact of the image.

Example: "... close-up shot with a shallow depth of field, backlit ..."


Mention a renowned professional photographer known for the subject with "photographed by 'photographer's name'". Select an award-winning photographer, but avoid using the banned names.

Example: "... photographed by Ansel Adams, ..."


If applicable, describe the artistic influences, styles, or schools of thought that have shaped the photographer's approach or inspired the image.

Example: "... influenced by the chiaroscuro technique of Baroque painters, ..."


If applicable, emphasize the emotional or sensory impact of the photo on the viewer by using evocative and descriptive adjectives and phrases.

Example: "... evoking feelings of comfort and indulgence, ..."


Add short phrases and keywords that describe the photograph's finer details: intricate detail, reflections, textures, super-resolution, elegant, sharp focus, beautiful, ornate, elegant, film grain, cinematic shot, sharpened, professional, featured on Behance, award-winning, etc.

Describe any textures, patterns, or repeating elements in the photograph that contribute to its visual appeal and composition.


End the prompt with " --s 1000" to complete the string.

Additional instructions to remember:

Compose steps [1] to [10] as one continuous line without introducing line breaks

Generate 9 prompts in total, and do not create prompts unrelated to the input concept. Add linebreaks between each concept you provide me.

Multiple concepts are indicated by a '|' character, you should alternate between the concepts when generating prompts

The output must range from 50 to 70 words in length.

Refrain from writing anything in square brackets

Strive to use concise phrases and keywords to provide the most detail for all descriptions while still adhering to word count limits.

Here is a list of forbidden words; do not incorporate these in any prompt you generate: McCurry, chest, flesh, intimate.

Your initial concept is: A Supermarine Spitfire plane in mid-flight

Avatar of the person chatting

/imagine prompt 1: Wartime Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane in mid-flight, soaring through the clouds with grace and power. The iconic fighter aircraft is captured in a wide shot, showcasing its sleek silhouette and intricate designs. The blue skies act as the background, with fluffy white clouds adding depth to the scene. Photographed by John Moir, who brings his expertise and passion for aviation to this stunning image. The photo emphasizes the Spitfire's significance in World War II, evoking feelings of awe and nostalgia. The fine details of the aircraft, including its polished metal surface and propeller, are also highlighted. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 2: Vintage Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane in mid-flight, taken in black and white during the 1940s. The fighter plane is shown in a close-up shot, with the pilot visible in the cockpit. The sky acts as the background, with a few wispy clouds adding depth to the scene. The photo was taken using a Rolleiflex camera, which captures the Spitfire's elegant design and curves. The image showcases the Spitfire's agility and speed, making it one of the most iconic fighter planes in history. The fine details of the Spitfire, including its roundels and warning signs, are also visible. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 3: Action Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane/imagine prompt 1: Wartime Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane in mid-flight, soaring through the clouds with its propeller whirring. The sky is bright blue and dotted with fluffy white clouds that stretch for miles. The plane's sleek design and iconic shape are on full display, complete with its distinctive roundels and painted markings. --s /imagine prompt 1: Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane soaring through the clouds, its propeller blades elegantly slicing through the air as it cuts through the sky. The vintage aircraft's sleek curves and detailed mechanical components are visible in its exposed engine, gears, and fuselage. The blue sky fills the background, dotted with fluffy white clouds. Shot from a low angle to emphasize the plane's impressive size and power, this image captures the essence of aviation history in motion. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 2: Wartime Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane engaged in aerial combat, its wings tilted at a sharp angle as it maneuvers to dodge enemy fire. The pilot's determined expression is visible through the cockpit window, his hands gripping the controls tightly. The sky is filled with dark smoke and exploding shells, adding drama and tension to the scene. Shot from a high angle, this image conveys the intensity and danger of aerial warfare during World War II. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 3: Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane parked on an airstrip, its gleaming metal body reflecting the bright sunlight. The runway stretches out behind it, lined with maintenance crews and other aircraft. The surrounding landscape is lush green hills and fields, emphasizing the plane's role in protecting England's countryside during World War II. Shot from a wide angle, this image showcases the Spitfire's iconic shape and design. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 4: Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane flying in formation with other vintage aircraft, including P-51 Mustangs and B-17 Flying Fortresses. The planes fly across a cloudy sky, their silhouettes outlined against the dramatic backdrop. This image captures the beauty and power of these legendary machines, as well as the skilled pilots who flew them. Shot with soft lighting and a warm color palette, the image evokes a sense of nostalgia and admiration for these historic planes. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 5: Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane taking off from an aircraft carrier's deck, its wheels lifting off the ground as it gains altitude. The bright blue ocean stretches out behind it, dotted with distant ships and seagulls. Shot from a close-up angle, this image captures the plane's intricate details and the complex mechanics involved in launching it into the air. The image conveys a sense of excitement and anticipation, as the plane embarks on a new mission. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 6: Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane flying over a picturesque English village, its colorful buildings and narrow streets visible below. The plane's engine roars as it passes over the town square, where villagers have gathered to watch the spectacle. Shot with a warm color palette and soft lighting, this image conveys a sense of community and patriotism, as the plane represents England's history and heritage. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 7: Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane landing on a grassy field, its wheels kicking up dust as it touches down. The surrounding countryside is filled with rolling green hills and scattered trees. Shot from a low angle, this image emphasizes the plane's impressive size and power, as well as the skill of the pilot who safely lands it. The image conveys a sense of relief and accomplishment, as the mission has been successfully completed. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 8: Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane soaring high above a mountain range, its wingspan casting a shadow on the rocky terrain below. The sky is a deep shade of blue, with wispy clouds visible in the distance. Shot with a sharp focus and elegant framing, this image captures the beauty and majesty of the natural world, as well as the power and grace of the Spitfire in flight. --s 1000

/imagine prompt 9: Photography of a Supermarine Spitfire plane flying over a vast desert landscape, its sand-colored terrain stretching out for miles in every direction. Shot with side lighting and a warm color palette, this image captures the unique setting of the plane's mission, as well as the ruggedness and durability required of the aircraft in such a harsh environment. The image conveys a sense of adventure and exploration, as the plane travels to uncharted territories. --s 1000

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