AI Detector by Content at Scale

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Use our highly-accurate AI content checker, trained on billions of individual pages of data and words, to forecast if your content is AI generated, or humanly-optimized.0
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What is AI Detector by Content at Scale?

AI Checker is a sophisticated detection tool designed to discern AI-generated content from human-written text. Utilizing advanced natural language processing and proprietary technology, it accurately identifies content crafted by models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude. This tool is tailored for website pages, blog posts, social media content, and email marketing messages, offering a crucial solution for maintaining authenticity in online communications. By ensuring content is humanly written, AI Checker helps protect brand reputations and search rankings.

Key Features:

  1. Proprietary Tech Stack: Employs a unique technology that delves deeper than generic AI classifiers to detect robotic-sounding content.

  2. Comprehensive Scanning: Works effectively on various platforms including websites, blogs, social media, and emails.

  3. Easy-to-Use Interface: Simply paste content, type, input a URL, or upload a file to receive a free scan for AI-generated content.

  4. Probability Grading: Provides a simplified score indicating the likelihood of content being human versus AI-generated.

  5. Plagiarism Checker: Offers an additional feature to check for plagiarism in the content.

Use Cases:

  1. Brand Marketing: Ensures marketing content resonates as authentic and human, safeguarding brand reputation.

  2. SEO Strategy: Helps maintain search rankings by verifying that content is human-generated and optimized.

  3. Content Creation: Allows freelancers and agencies to validate that their output is of high quality and sounds human.


AI Checker is an indispensable tool in the digital age where AI-generated text is becoming increasingly common. It offers a practical solution for those aiming to uphold content authenticity, thereby supporting strong brand identities and effective SEO strategies. Try out AI Checker today and ensure your content speaks with a genuine, human voice.


  1. How accurate is the AI Detector?The AI Detector is a highly accurate tool developed before the advent of ChatGPT and continuously refined to detect AI-generated content with high precision, as confirmed by a third-party study by ZiPpy.

  2. Who is this AI Checker designed for?The AI Checker is perfect for brand marketers, content creators, marketing agencies, freelancers, SEO specialists, and anyone looking to ensure their content appears authentically human.

  3. Can the AI Content Detector identify mixed human and AI-generated text?Yes, the AI Detector can discern mixed text by analyzing sentence structures and word choices, highlighting sections that appear to be AI-generated even when intertwined with human writing.

More information on AI Detector by Content at Scale

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Top 5 Countries

India United States Pakistan Australia Viet Nam

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Social Mail
Updated Date: 2024-09-06
AI Detector by Content at Scale was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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AI Detector by Content at Scale Alternatives

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  1. Protect your SEO rankings, academic integrity, and reputation with the AI Content Detector & Checker. Detect AI-generated content accurately.

  2. Detect AI-generated content and ensure authenticity with the AI Content Checker Tool. Accurate, reliable, and versatile. Try it now!

  3. Detect AI-generated content with ContentDetector.AI, a reliable tool that provides accurate detection and analysis. Check for plagiarism and ensure authentic content.

  4. Decode AI with AI Detector! Analyze systems, understand inner workings, and unravel mysteries effortlessly. Empower yourself with AI insight.

  5. AI Checker is based on NLP algorithms and you can use it for free to check your text. You can check AI content generated by ChatGPT, GPT-3, Google Bard, Anthropic's Claude, and more without any limitation.