AI for API Privacy

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AI platform accurately detects and catalogs API privacy data, enforcing privacy standards across internal and third-party data sharing, resulting in secure and compliant APIs.0
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What is AI for API Privacy?

ApiPrivacy is an AI-powered platform designed to streamline and enforce API privacy standards. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools that detect, monitor, and catalog privacy data within APIs, ensuring compliance with industry standards and reducing the risk of data breaches. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, ApiPrivacy is an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes looking to enhance their API privacy measures.

Key Features

  1. API Privacy Detection 🕵️‍♂️: Continuously monitors and detects privacy data in APIs, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and more, reducing manual effort and minimizing the risk of errors.

  2. Monitoring 📊: Keeps a watchful eye on web, mobile, and public APIs for privacy data, ensuring that sensitive information is identified and managed appropriately.

  3. Tagging 🏷️: Tags privacy data and adds criticality, simplifying data identification and governance, and making it easier for developers to understand and manage privacy requirements.

  4. API Privacy Catalog 📚: Provides a centralized catalog to document, tag, alert, and maintain a history of all API privacy data, enabling developers and compliance teams to have a clear and comprehensive view of privacy data across the organization.

  5. Enforce Industry-Standards 🔒: Ensures that API data privacy standards are enforced for web and mobile apps, internal services, and external integrators, preventing data leaks and mitigating the impact of accidental exposures and breaches.

Use Cases

  1. Compliance teams: ApiPrivacy provides enhanced visibility to compliance teams by offering a historical and comprehensive list of API privacy data collected and shared, making it easier to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements.

  2. Developers: Empowers developers to implement privacy standards early in the development cycle, preventing costly rework and ensuring that APIs are secure and compliant from the start.

  3. Businesses: ApiPrivacy helps businesses enforce API data privacy standards, ensuring the highest level of data security, preventing misuse, and minimizing the impact of breaches.

Pricing Plans

  • Starter Plan: Ideal for API startups, offering privacy data detection, classification, alerts, and cataloging for 100 endpoints and 10 APIs. Includes support for PII data and periodic reports.

  • SMB Plan: Perfect for small and medium-sized businesses, providing privacy data detection, classification, alerts, and cataloging for 200 endpoints and 10 APIs. Supports PII and more, with periodic reports and email support.

  • Enterprise Plan: Customizable for large enterprises, supporting more than 200 endpoints and 20 APIs. Includes all features from the SMB plan, plus GitHub Actions & CI/CD integration and enhanced support options.


ApiPrivacy is a game-changer for businesses looking to enhance their API privacy measures. With its AI-powered detection and monitoring capabilities, comprehensive cataloging, and industry-standard enforcement, it provides businesses with the tools they need to ensure their APIs are secure, compliant, and privacy-conscious. Whether you’re a startup or an enterprise, ApiPrivacy has a plan that fits your needs, so you can start protecting your APIs and your users’ data today.

More information on AI for API Privacy

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$ 99 /mo
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AI for API Privacy was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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AI for API Privacy Alternatives

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  1. Identify, redact & replace personally identifiable information, no 3rd party processing required. 47 languages, 50+ entities, 99%+ accuracy.

  2. Volapyk is an application that allows users to see how services align with their personalized privacy preferences. We utilize AI to automatically process terms of service and privacy policies, providing easy to understand scores and relevant information.

  3. Our AI-driven API governance testing approach ensures rapid development, consistency, and high adoption rates.

  4. Discover the power of api4ai, a cloud-native AI solution offering affordable and personalized computer vision and machine learning services for businesses. From visitor monitoring to wine recognition integration, api4ai provides practical solutions for every industry. Unlock the potential of AI for your business today!

  5. With AIProxy, you can easily monitor API usage, set custom rate limits, and override models directly from our dashboard. Keep your OpenAI keys safe and sound with AIProxy!