AI Singing

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AI Singing is a AI singing voice generator that can generate music free0
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What is AI Singing?

Unleash the potential of AI music with AI Singing. Explore a world of AI-generated music across various styles and genres, sparking creativity and inspiration for your projects.

Key Features:

1️⃣ Song Description Mode: Describe your desired music style and theme, like 'acoustic pop about the holidays', to receive tailored results.

2️⃣ Custom Mode: Customize songs using your own lyrics or AI-generated ones, enabling the creation of unique tracks effortlessly.

3️⃣ Multiple Modes: Access various modes for music creation, including generating music from lyrics or crafting instrumental tracks, providing flexibility and ease of use.

Use Cases:

  1. Creative Inspiration: Dive into AI Singing to discover fresh melodies like "夏日旋律 (Summer Melody)" or "孤独的滑板公园 (Lonely Skatepark)" for inspiration in your next project.

  2. Personalized Music Production: Tailor songs to specific themes or moods, such as crafting a "Melody of Summer", amplifying your creative expression.

  3. Effortless Song Creation: Simplify the song-making process by effortlessly converting lyrics into music, empowering quick and seamless music production sessions.


With AI Singing, the horizon of music creation expands exponentially. Seamlessly integrate AI-generated melodies into your projects, unlocking endless possibilities. Experience the efficiency and creativity firsthand by embracing AI Singing today!


  1. How to make AI singing voice?

    • Utilize AI Singing, a free AI singing voice generator. Enter your lyrics and click generate to transform them into music.

  2. Is there an AI that will sing your lyrics?

    • Yes, AI Singing swiftly converts lyrics into music, offering a hassle-free music creation experience.

  3. How to convert lyrics into a song using AI?

    • Visit the AI Singing website, input your lyrics, and click Generate to receive the corresponding song instantly.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
AI Singing was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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