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Alter is your gateway to accelerate all kind of tasks, from writing to coding.0
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What is Alter?

Alter is a versatile AI partner designed to amplify productivity and streamline tasks on macOS. It acts as a gateway to accelerate various tasks, from writing to coding, by providing immediate AI-driven actions. With Alter, users can easily create pitch decks, manage social media, translate documents, fix grammar, and more. The software offers access to specialized AI experts for guidance in Marketing, Technology, and Business, serving as an on-demand support team. Alter is forever free with users’ own providers and offers the flexibility to upgrade for more features.

Key Features:

  1. 🚀 AI-Driven Actions: Skip lengthy explanations and jump into projects with tools made for quick results.

  2. 🧠 Specialized AI Experts: Get instant access to AI assistants for nonstop innovation and execution in various domains.

  3. 🎨 Customization: Create and share AI actions, and play with the contextual menu to transform workflows.

  4. 🤝 Privacy-Focused: Use local models like Ollama for privacy-sensitive tasks, ensuring sensitive information is not recorded.

  5. 🌐 Provider Flexibility: Provide your OpenAI compatible endpoint or use Alter’s providers, with the option to bring your own keys soon.

Use Cases:

  1. 📈 Business: Streamline the creation of professional presentations and documents, saving time and effort.

  2. 🌐 Social Media Management: Effortlessly handle social media tasks, from content creation to engagement.

  3. 📚 Language Support: Translate documents and fix grammar on the fly, enhancing communication and productivity.


Alter is more than just a productivity tool; it’s a versatile AI partner that understands the complexities of modern work-life balance. By providing immediate AI-driven actions and access to specialized AI experts, Alter empowers users to achieve more in less time. With a focus on privacy and flexibility, Alter ensures that users can customize their experience and protect sensitive information. Try Alter today and experience the thrill of lightning-fast productivity.

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Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Alter was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Alter Alternatives

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  1. Transform your ordinary selfies into stunning professional headshots with Alter AI! Affordable, easy-to-use, and with a range of style options.

  2. Altero AI: Find, research & evaluate private companies with powerful features like data synthesis, advanced search, and comprehensive reports. Make informed decisions today!

  3. Augment is a personal AI assistant helping professionals amplify their productivity and simplify everyday digital tasks.

  4. Boost your LinkedIn presence with Altera, an AI-powered tool for hyper-personalized messages and context-aware comments. Try it now!

  5. Our unique technology allows you to change your voice to any of our carefully curated portfolio or custom voices and create compelling professional voice performances.