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Always come prepared. Never forget a conversation. Bloks is your personal sidekick that maximizes every interaction.0
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What is Bloks?

Meet Bloks, your digital sidekick designed to elevate every professional interaction. This AI-powered platform revolutionizes meeting preparation and follow-through by automating minutes, personalizing briefings, and providing in-depth insights on people and companies. Compatible with major communication apps like Zoom, Meet, Teams, and Slack, Bloks ensures you're always armed with contextual knowledge and personalized talking points. By streamlining relationship management and freeing you from manual note-taking, Bloks empowers you to focus on what matters—building meaningful connections and driving productive conversations.

Key Features:

  1. Meeting Minutes on AutoPilot📝

    • Effortlessly captures, summarizes, and organizes meeting content across platforms.

2.. People Insights👤

  • Delivers tailored profiles, background, and personalized meeting guides for optimal engagement.

  1. Company Profiling🏢

    • Condenses crucial company data, investment highlights, and recent news into quick-read briefs.

  2. Pre-Meeting Wizard🧙‍♂️

    • Gathers relevant info from emails, docs, internet, and CRMs, proposing objectives and dynamic strategies.

  3. Ask Bloks🗣️

    • A conversational AI that fetches answers and insights about your network, enhancing relationship intelligence.

Use Cases:

  1. Executive Briefings:Before a high-stakes meeting, a C-level executive leverages Bloks for instant, comprehensive briefs on attendees and the company, enabling a confident, impactful first impression.

  2. Sales Professionals:A sales rep utilizes Bloks to analyze customer history, anticipate needs, and craft personalized pitches, converting more leads into loyal customers.

  3. Recruiters and Networking:HR professionals tap into Bloks' deep understanding of candidates and companies, streamlining recruitment and fostering stronger professional relationships.


Empower yourself with Bloks, the ultimate tool for mastering every engagement. By seamlessly integrating into your workflow and synchronizing across devices, it ensures you’re perpetually prepared and armed with the right information at the perfect moment. Start maximizing your interactions today—download Bloks and experience the thrill of being consistently and effortlessly well-prepared. Embrace the future of relationship-building, where technology meets humanity to forge deeper, more fruitful connections.

More information on Bloks

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$ 29 USD / month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,JSDelivr,Google Fonts,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph,Mailchimp

Top 5 Countries

United States Canada Paraguay Turkey Russian Federation

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Social
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Bloks was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Bloks Alternatives

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  1. Compose emails with beautiful tables showing your availability. Share your schedule on Google Workspace and Slack. Try Free Blocks app now!

  2. Get concise meeting notes and summaries with SmartNote - an intelligent note-taking software that integrates with your workflow for improved efficiency.

  3. Transform your meetings with Bubbles - automatic transcription, powerful follow-ups, and asynchronous communication. Boost productivity and save time!

  4. Bliro transcribes your conversations across all meeting tools without bots and extracts all important insights into a fully customizable AI summary.

  5. Find your ideas faster than ever. Our AI-driven note-taking experience liberates your mind, allowing you to focus on innovation rather than information retention.