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Automate data extraction and save time with Bitskout. Seamlessly integrate with popular tools like Asana and Zapier. Revolutionize your workflows today.0
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What is Bitskout?

Bitskout is an AI-powered tool that simplifies data extraction from documents and emails, seamlessly integrating with popular tools like Asana, Zapier, and Power Automate. With 40+ ready-made templates, it empowers users to automate their workflows, saving time and reducing manual data entry.

Key Features:

1️⃣ Effortless Data Extraction: Bitskout offers easy-to-use plugins that read and extract data from various documents and emails, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

2️⃣ Seamless Integration: It seamlessly integrates with productivity tools like Asana and, allowing users to incorporate Bitskout rules and recipes into their existing processes. Integration via Zapier and Power Automate extends its functionality to virtually any workflow.

3️⃣ Instant Answers: Bitskout's agents provide immediate answers about processed information, making it effortless to retrieve specific data and insights, all with just a few clicks.

Use Cases:

  1. Streamlined Purchase Orders: Bitskout simplifies the extraction of data from Purchase Orders, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in financial processes.

  2. Efficient Invoice Management: Businesses can optimize their invoice processing by effortlessly extracting and organizing data using Bitskout, reducing manual labor.

  3. Enhanced Email Productivity: Bitskout enables users to extract vital information from emails, enhancing communication and decision-making within the organization.


Bitskout revolutionizes back-office operations by automating data extraction and integration, offering users a hassle-free way to streamline workflows. With its user-friendly interface, seamless integration, and immediate answers, Bitskout empowers organizations to save time, reduce errors, and achieve greater productivity. Say goodbye to manual data entry and welcome the future of efficient office automation.

More information on Bitskout

Pricing Model
Starting Price
starts from $59/mo
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Wix,Google Cloud Platform,,Gzip,HTTP/3,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,RSS,HSTS,Intercom

Top 5 Countries

Turkey Indonesia Colombia United States India

Traffic Sources

Search Referrals Direct
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Bitskout was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Thunderbit transforms conversations into seamless automations. Harness our AI-powered, no-code platform to streamline your workflows effortlessly.

  2. Bytebot is your go-to solution for simplifying and streamlining web scraping and automation tasks.

  3. Bitscale enables growth teams to scale up through AI-driven workflows, combining various features and data sources for effective lead sourcing and content optimization.

  4. Automate data entry with Kupiks, an AI-powered tool that parses emails, extracts relevant information, and seamlessly integrates with popular platforms.

  5. Save time and increase productivity with Automaited, an AI automation tool for HR, Sales, and Operations. Instantly automate tasks and simplify onboarding.