Can Turnitin AI Detector Detect Grammarly? A Comparative Analysis of Grammarly vs Turnitin AI Detector

Written by Insights4UToday - January 28, 2024

Can Turnitin AI Detector Detect Grammarly? A Comparative Analysis of Grammarly vs Turnitin AI Detector

Have you ever wondered if Turnitin AI Detector can detect Grammarly? This is a question that many of my subscribers have been asking me, and I'm here to provide you with the answer once and for all. So, welcome back to my Insights for You Today. In this video, I will be presenting a quick and direct analysis. I wrote this piece without the use of artificial intelligence. I did not utilize tools like Google's GPT Bard or Quillbot for paraphrasing. I hope you know that Turnitin can detect paraphrasing tools like Quillbot, but you can watch my video on how I achieved a 0% artificial intelligence detection rate when running Turnitin. Well, first, I scanned the work on Turnitin, which resulted in 0% artificial intelligence. Now, I'm using grammar rules to edit and give it a professional appearance. It's still 0% artificial intelligence detection, although the levels of similarity slightly increased to 3%. This means that Turnitin does not see grammatically modified works as plagiarized content. I can repeat the process with another sample document and still get the same results. If you find this video helpful, please hit the like button and comment. I love rules in the comments section below, and don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching, I'll see you in the next video, goodbye!

The Importance of Turnitin and Grammarly in Writing

When it comes to writing, maintaining originality and adhering to proper grammar are essential aspects. Turnitin and Grammarly are two popular tools that can assist writers in achieving these goals. However, many people are curious about whether Turnitin's AI detector can detect Grammarly. In this article, we will provide a comparative analysis of Grammarly vs Turnitin AI Detector to shed light on this topic.

Introduction to Turnitin and Grammarly

Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection service widely used by educational institutions. It compares submitted documents to a vast database of academic content, checking for similarities and potential instances of plagiarism. Turnitin utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze the text and provide a similarity score.

On the other hand, Grammarly is a writing assistant tool that focuses on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. It offers real-time suggestions and corrections, helping writers enhance their writing skills and produce error-free content. Grammarly uses natural language processing and artificial intelligence to provide comprehensive writing assistance.

Can Turnitin AI Detector Detect Grammarly?

The primary purpose of Turnitin is to detect instances of plagiarism by comparing text against its extensive database. It focuses on identifying similarities and matches between submitted works and existing texts. However, Turnitin's AI detector is not designed to specifically recognize Grammarly or any other specific writing assistance tool.

Grammarly operates on a different premise. It is a tool that assists writers in refining their writing by offering suggestions for grammar, style, and clarity improvements. Grammarly functions within the context of the writing process and is primarily aimed at helping individuals produce high-quality content.

Therefore, when you submit content to Turnitin that has been enhanced using Grammarly, Turnitin does not specifically flag it as Grammarly usage. Instead, Turnitin focuses on the overall similarity score of the submitted document and its matches to existing texts. It distinguishes between intentional plagiarism and legitimate use of writing assistance tools.

Comparing Turnitin and Grammarly

While Turnitin and Grammarly serve distinct purposes, it's worth comparing their capabilities and features to understand their individual strengths.


Turnitin's primary function is plagiarism detection. Its sophisticated algorithms analyze submitted documents and generate similarity reports based on matches with existing sources. The primary benefits of using Turnitin include:

  • Efficient plagiarism detection
  • Ability to compare submitted work with a vast database
  • Detection of paraphrased content
  • Support for educational institutions


Grammarly focuses on refining writing skills and improving overall content quality. It provides real-time suggestions for grammar, punctuation, clarity, and style improvements. Key advantages of using Grammarly include:

  • Instant grammar and spelling corrections
  • Enhancement of content clarity and conciseness
  • Improvement of writing style and tone
  • Integration with various writing platforms and applications


In conclusion, while Turnitin and Grammarly serve different purposes, they both play significant roles in the writing process. Turnitin focuses on plagiarism detection and similarity analysis, while Grammarly emphasizes writing improvement and error correction. Regarding the question of whether Turnitin's AI detector can detect Grammarly, it is important to note that Turnitin does not specifically target Grammarly or any other writing assistance tool. Instead, it evaluates the overall similarity of submitted work to existing texts. Both Turnitin and Grammarly can be valuable tools for writers and educators, ensuring originality, proper grammar, and high-quality written content.


1. Can Grammarly detect plagiarism?

No, Grammarly is not primarily designed as a plagiarism detection tool. Its main focus is on enhancing grammar, spelling, punctuation, and writing style. To detect plagiarism, it is recommended to use dedicated plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin.

2. Does Turnitin detect paraphrased content?

Yes, Turnitin has the capability to detect paraphrased content by comparing submitted work to its extensive database of sources. It does not only rely on exact matches but also identifies similarities in writing style and structure.

3. Is Grammarly a substitute for human proofreading?

No, Grammarly is not a substitute for human proofreading. While it can provide valuable suggestions and corrections, it is always essential to have a human proofreader to ensure the highest level of accuracy and clarity in written content.

4. Can Turnitin detect self-plagiarism?

Yes, Turnitin can detect self-plagiarism, which refers to reusing one's own previously published work without proper citation or acknowledgment. It compares the submitted document to its database, which includes previously analyzed documents.

5. Is Grammarly compatible with various writing platforms?

Yes, Grammarly offers compatibility with a wide range of writing platforms and applications, including web browsers, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and more. This allows users to integrate Grammarly into their preferred writing environment for real-time suggestions and corrections.

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