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Enhance your creative process with Diagram, an AI-powered design tool. Generate SVG icons, automate asset creation, and write real copy for your designs.0
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What is Diagram?

Diagram is an AI-powered design tool that offers a range of features to enhance the creative process. With its magical utilities, Diagram allows users to generate SVG icons, create visuals, and write real copy for their designs. It also provides intelligent layer renaming and in-line suggestions to improve workflow efficiency. Additionally, Diagram works seamlessly within Figma, making it a valuable companion for designers.

Key Features:

1. Magic Icon: Generate infinitely scalable SVG icons with ease using Magic Icon. This feature allows users to quickly create icons for various design purposes.

2. Magician: Turn your ideas into assets effortlessly with Magician's AI-powered creativity enhancement tools. It helps designers bring their concepts to life by providing automated asset generation.

3. Magic Copy: Say goodbye to Lorem Ipsum! Magic Copy writes, edits, and rewrites Figma text layers using real copy so you can design with accurate content.

Use Cases:

- Designers who need custom icons can use the Magic Icon feature in Diagram to generate SVG icons tailored specifically for their projects.

- The Magician feature is ideal for designers looking to streamline their creative process by automating asset generation based on their ideas.

- With Magic Copy, designers can save time by automatically generating real copy instead of relying on placeholder text like Lorem Ipsum.


Diagram is a powerful AI tool that empowers designers by offering features such as icon generation, automated asset creation based on ideas, and real copywriting capabilities. By leveraging these functionalities within Figma or other design tools, users can enhance their productivity and creativity while designing visually stunning projects efficiently. Whether you're a professional designer or someone exploring the world of design casually, Diagram has something valuable to offer in simplifying your workflow and bringing your ideas to life effectively

More information on Diagram

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
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Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,JSDelivr,Next.js,Vercel,Emotion,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph,Webpack,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States India United Kingdom China France

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Social Mail
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Diagram was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Diagram Alternatives

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  1. With Diagramming AI, effortlessly create, edit, and discuss intricate UMLs & workflows.

  2. Platform for creating AI Powered Diagrams with features like AI generation, themes, fonts, different AI models including GPT3.5 and GPT4

  3. Auto-generate designs with Magic Design™, a free AI design tool. Get refined templates based on your text and media, made just for you.

  4. Supercharge your Figma experience with Magician for Figma. Automate tasks, get future updates, and enjoy unlimited use in one powerful software.

  5. Get started faster, find what you’re looking for, and stay in the flow—with AI tools build for your workflows. Sign up for free today and harness the power of Figma AI.