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What is Diffblue?

Diffblue Cover: Autonomous AI for Java Unit Testing

Diffblue Cover is an AI-powered unit testing tool that automates the process of writing and maintaining Java unit tests. It helps development teams build better applications faster by eliminating the tedious and time-consuming task of manual unit testing.

Key Features

  • Rapid Unit Test Generation:Diffblue Cover generates complete and correct Java unit tests in seconds, freeing developers to focus on more creative and productive tasks.

  • Legacy Code Testing:Diffblue Cover quickly writes tests for large legacy codebases, enabling teams to refactor and update legacy code with confidence.

  • Coverage Target Achievement:Diffblue Cover helps teams quickly increase code coverage and meet testing targets, improving the quality and reliability of their applications.

Use Cases

  • Speeding Software Delivery:By automating unit testing, Diffblue Cover enables teams to deliver high-quality software faster, reducing time-to-market and increasing productivity.

  • Modernizing Legacy Applications:Diffblue Cover helps teams modernize legacy applications by providing a comprehensive suite of unit tests that improve code understanding and reduce risk.

  • Continuous Integration and DevOps Adoption:Diffblue Cover's automatically generated unit tests can be integrated into CI pipelines, helping teams identify regressions early and achieve continuous integration.


Diffblue Cover is a revolutionary AI-powered tool that transforms the way Java developers approach unit testing. By automating the creation and maintenance of unit tests, Diffblue Cover enables teams to build better applications faster, with improved quality, reduced risk, and increased productivity.

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Tech used
Cloudflare Analytics,Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,HubSpot Analytics,Cloudflare CDN,Jekyll,jQuery UI,jQuery,Gzip,JSON Schema,OpenGraph

Top 5 Countries

United States India Andorra Colombia China

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Updated Date: 2024-04-29
Diffblue was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Diffblue Alternatives

Load more Alternatives
  1. Automate Jest unit test creation with DeepUnit. Generate reliable tests using AI, review and commit with ease. Save time and ensure test quality.

  2. Enhance testing productivity and efficiency with teste.ai. Generate comprehensive test plans, automate test case generation, and validate software functionality. Boost your software quality now!

  3. Embold is a unique static code analysis tool that provides detailed analysis of code quality, design patterns, and coupling between components, and offers actionable insights to improve code quality, with an intuitive and easy-to-use UI and fast scan times, but may require some time for setup and has some limitations such as pricing and multi-language support.

  4. Save time and resources. Launchable utilizes machine learning to identify impactful tests, enabling faster software shipping for engineering teams.

  5. Discover the powerful features of mabl's intelligent test automation solution – save time, enhance quality, and accelerate application delivery.