Falcon AI

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Your ultimate project management companion for agile teams, with a free Starter plan. Streamline scrum ceremonies, JIRA boards, stakeholder updates, and more—all in Slack.0
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What is Falcon AI?

Falcon AI, the virtual AI Scrum Master, is a groundbreaking tool designed to streamline and enhance the efficiency of agile project management. By integrating seamlessly into existing workflows and communication platforms, Falcon AI assists teams in staying organized, focused, and productive. Its advanced AI models are specifically tailored for agile practices, ensuring that teams can maximize their potential and deliver projects faster.

Key Features:

  1. 🎯 Agile Team Optimization: Falcon AI is finely tuned for all agile practices, including daily standups, sprint planning, backlog refinement, retrospectives, and team syncs.

  2. 🚀 Enhanced Focus on Key Elements: The platform surfaces critical decisions, action items, and blockers, enabling teams to concentrate on what truly matters.

  3. 🔌 Seamless Integration: Falcon AI easily integrates with popular tools like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Jira, Asana, and more, ensuring a smooth workflow.

  4. 📅 Meeting Efficiency: Falcon AI joins meetings across various platforms and provides comprehensive summaries and action items afterward.

  5. 💬 Direct Communication: Meeting summaries and action items are directly shared in Slack, ensuring the team is always in the loop.

  6. ✅ Task Management Integration: Link tickets and add context from various task management tools, facilitating smooth collaboration.

  7. 📝 Effortless Note-taking: Falcon AI simplifies note-taking by saving and sharing meeting notes using platforms like Notion, Confluence, or Google Docs.

Use Cases:

  1. Streamlining Daily Standups: Falcon AI helps teams conduct efficient daily standups by capturing key updates, action items, and blockers, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

  2. Sprint Planning Optimization: During sprint planning, Falcon AI assists in documenting decisions, assigning tasks, and setting clear objectives, leading to more effective sprints.

  3. Retrospective Facilitation: Falcon AI aids in conducting meaningful retrospectives by summarizing discussions, identifying areas for improvement, and tracking action items.


Falcon AI is more than just a tool; it’s a dedicated AI Scrum Master that empowers agile teams to achieve their full potential. By automating and optimizing various aspects of project management, Falcon AI ensures that teams can focus on delivering high-quality work. With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with existing tools, Falcon AI is the perfect companion for teams looking to enhance their agile practices. Experience the future of agile project management with Falcon AI - your virtual AI Scrum Master.

More information on Falcon AI

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$99 / team /month
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India Sweden United States Belarus Singapore

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Falcon AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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