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Create custom AI apps with FieldDay, a mobile ML toolkit. Collect samples, train AI models, and visualize accuracy in real-time. Download now!0
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What is FieldDay?

FieldDay is a mobile ML toolkit that enables users to create custom AI apps and integrate them into their preferred tools. With FieldDay, you can teach your apps to see by collecting samples, training custom AI models in minutes, and easily visualizing the accuracy of your AI in real-time.

Key Features:

1️⃣ Collect: Gather samples of the objects or elements you want your AI to detect.

2️⃣ Train: Create custom AI models with just a tap of a button, saving you time and effort.

3️⃣ Test: Easily visualize the accuracy of your AI in real-time to ensure optimal performance.

Use Cases:

1. A retail store owner can use FieldDay to develop an app that identifies specific products on shelves, helping with inventory management and restocking.

2. An artist can utilize FieldDay to build an app that recognizes different colors or art styles, providing inspiration for their creative process.

3. A security company could employ FieldDay's capabilities to create an app that detects suspicious behavior or objects in surveillance footage, enhancing overall safety measures.


With its user-friendly interface and powerful features like sample collection, model training, and real-time testing visualization, FieldDay empowers users without extensive technical knowledge to create customized vision-based AI applications. Whether it's improving inventory management or enhancing artistic creativity, this tool opens up new possibilities for integrating artificial intelligence into everyday tasks. Get started today by downloading FieldDay from the App Store!

More information on FieldDay

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Tech used
Framer,Google Fonts,Gzip,OpenGraph,HSTS,YouTube

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Indonesia India Argentina Philippines South Africa

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
FieldDay was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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