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What is Furl?

Furl is an autonomous AI tool designed to proactively investigate, prioritize, and automate remediation efforts for IT and security risks. It synthesizes data from various tools, empowering teams to swiftly address issues while accommodating unique operational needs.

Key Features:

1️⃣ Autonomous Investigation: Furl automatically investigates issues across tools, enabling quick, informed decisions based on customizable templates.

2️⃣ Automated Patching: Confidently remediate low-risk issues by automating identified patches, minimizing downtime with Furl's remediation copilot.

3️⃣ Validated Remediations: Quickly identify and implement remediation steps tailored to your operational system's nuances, leveraging Furl's expertly trained AI model.

Use Cases:

  1. Efficient IT Operations Scaling: Furl assists IT operations teams overwhelmed by issues, reducing the mean time to remediate (MTTR) by automating investigations and providing actionable insights.

  2. Unified Operational Insight: With Furl, visualize and understand your complex operational and security environment, gaining a comprehensive view to prioritize and address risks effectively.

  3. Expert Cybersecurity Guidance: Benefit from Furl's AI model trained on curated cybersecurity knowledge, ensuring accurate and reliable remediation steps tailored to your organization's needs.


Furl serves as a force multiplier for IT operations, offering a comprehensive solution to mitigate risks efficiently and confidently. By integrating with existing tools, providing autonomous investigation, and offering expertly trained AI guidance, Furl empowers organizations to proactively manage their IT and security landscapes with ease and precision.

More information on Furl

Pricing Model
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Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Cloudflare CDN,Emotion,Gzip,HTTP/3,OpenGraph

Top 5 Countries

United Kingdom

Traffic Sources

Social Paid Referrals Mail Referrals Search Direct
Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Furl was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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