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Quickly save links, notes, and images and hoarder will automatically tag them for you using AI for faster retrieval.0
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What is Hoarder?

Hoarder is an innovative open-source bookmarking app designed for users who want to efficiently organize and retrieve a vast amount of digital content. It stands out with its AI-driven automatic tagging feature, making it easier to manage and find bookmarks, notes, and images. Hoarder is built with a focus on self-hosting, ensuring users have complete control over their data. It’s an ideal tool for those who accumulate a lot of digital information and need a smart, reliable system to keep it all organized.

Key Features:

  1. 📌 Bookmark Management: Easily bookmark links, take notes, and store images in one centralized location.

  2. 🌐 Content Fetching: Automatically retrieves link titles, descriptions, and images for a comprehensive view of your bookmarks.

  3. 📚 List Organization: Sort your bookmarks into customizable lists for better categorization and accessibility.

  4. 🔍 Full-Text Search: Perform a thorough search across all stored content, ensuring you can always find what you’re looking for.

  5. 🧠 AI Tagging: Utilizes AI (powered by ChatGPT) for intelligent automatic tagging, with support for local models using Ollama for enhanced customization.

  6. 🌐 Browser Extensions: Features Chrome and Firefox addons for quick bookmarking directly from your browser.

  7. 📱 Mobile Apps: Offers iOS and Android apps for on-the-go access and bookmarking.

  8. 🌙 Dark Mode: Includes dark mode support for a comfortable browsing experience, currently available on the web version.

  9. 🏠 Self-Hosting: Prioritizes self-hosting, giving users the freedom to manage their data on their own terms.

More information on Hoarder

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China United States Singapore Taiwan, Province of China Australia

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Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Hoarder was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Hoarder Alternatives

Load more Alternatives
  1. Bookshelf is your AI-enhanced reading companion that helps you track and remember what you read.

  2. Discover Khoj, the open-source AI co-pilot that organizes and retrieves your notes, documents, and images. Boost productivity with lightning-fast search and customizable chat capabilities.

  3. Omnivore is the free, open source, read-it-later app for serious readers.

  4. Use Zenfetch to turn your notes, bookmarks, files, YouTube videos, and more into instant answers, unique ideas, and shareable content.

  5. Soju lets you save, search, organise, and share collections of your favourite bookmarks. Add searchable notes, tags, and group bookmarks into collections to share with friends and colleagues.