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Free interview practice website offering interviews in numerous subjects. Candidates can record and play back their interviews, and an AI coach will point out areas for improvement.0
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What is InterviewBot?

InterviewBot is an AI-powered software that revolutionizes the interview process. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, it offers a seamless experience for both job seekers and hiring managers. From choosing interview types to receiving personalized coaching tips, InterviewBot streamlines the entire process, helping users improve their interview technique and increase their chances of success.

Key Features:

1. 🎙️ Customizable Interviews: Users can choose from 20 different subjects and select avatars to conduct interviews tailored to their specific needs.

2. ⏱️ Prep Time Flexibility: InterviewBot allows users to set their preferred prep time, ranging from zero seconds to 10 seconds before starting the interview.

3. 📹 Playback and Re-recording: Users have the ability to playback their interviews, analyze their performance, and re-record if necessary.

4. 💼 Subscription Options: InterviewBot offers subscription plans for further practice with unlimited 10-minute interviews across all subjects and avatars.

5. 🤖 AI Coaching Tips (AI Subscription): By upgrading to the AI subscription plan, users gain access to detailed analysis of answers including eye contact, word speed, smile count, composure evaluation score, sentiment analysis, personal coaching tips,and more.

Use Cases:

1. Job Seekers: InterviewBot provides job seekers with a valuable tool for practicing interviews in various subject areas while receiving personalized feedback on their performance.

2. Hiring Managers: With InterviewBot's customizable interviews and comprehensive analysis capabilities,Hiring managers can efficiently evaluate candidates' skills without spending excessive time conducting multiple rounds of interviews.

3.Educational Institutions & Career Services: Educational institutions can leverage InterviewBot as a training resource for students preparing for internships or job placements by providing them with realistic mock interview experiences.


With its intuitive interface and powerful features like customizable interviews,replayability,and AI coaching tips,interviewing has never been easier.InterviewBot empowers job seekers to improve their interview skills and increase their chances of success, while also providing hiring managers with a streamlined evaluation process. Whether you're a job seeker or a hiring manager, InterviewBot has the potential to revolutionize the way interviews are conducted. Try InterviewBot today and unlock your full interviewing potential!

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
InterviewBot was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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InterviewBot Alternatives

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  1. Meet InterviewCoachAI - AI-Driven Interview Prep Tailored to Your Career, Job Role, Company, and Interviewer.

  2. Enhance Your Interview Skills with InterviewAI: AI-powered scoring & feedback, realistic practice interviews, and personalized cover letters. Boost your career confidence now!

  3. Take a mock interview or screen candidates at scale. Starting with technical Systems Design interviews.

  4. Instantly interview your entire candidate pipeline without bias using our AI interviewer Steve. Reduce time to hire by 2x.

  5. Enhance job interview skills with Job AI - practice real questions, get AI feedback, and follow personalized paths to succeed in your dream job. Try for free!