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Embedded data analytics more powerful than Tableau and Looker by pairing AI with code execution0
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What is Lightski?

Lightski is a cutting-edge AI analytics platform designed to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their data. By embedding an AI Data Scientist directly into your app, Lightski offers a more intuitive and powerful analytics experience than traditional tools like Tableau. It enables users to ask complex questions about their data and receive accurate, code-based insights, enhancing engagement and providing flexible insights. With its full-stack solution, Lightski handles everything from database connection to UI, ensuring a seamless and secure analytics journey for your customers.

Key Features

  1. Database Integration 📊

    • Securely connect your database for personalized data access.

    • Ensure data privacy with customer-specific mappings.

  2. Schema Transformation 🔄

    • Flexibly produce clean data schemas using Python code.

    • Execute code in isolated environments for security.

  3. Expert AI Analysis 🧠

    • AI Data Scientist writes and executes Python code for accurate insights.

    • Minimize hallucinations by grounding insights in code.

  4. Custom Dashboards 📈

    • Save and organize charts and graphs in custom dashboards.

    • Refresh dashboards with updated data effortlessly.

  5. Generative AI Integration 🚀

    • Leverage the latest generative AI advances in your app.

    • Drive engagement and provide flexible insights to users.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Lightski was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Lightski Alternatives

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  1. Multimodal AI-powered Search with From unstructured data to deep understanding. We offer Multilingual + Multimodal Search Dive deep into your data.

  2. Deploy generative AI to everyone in your business to boost creativity and productivity. Maintain control. Monitor use. Protect your data. Enable collaboration. No vendor lock-in. More power with less risk.

  3. Build, deploy, and manage data and AI projects in one place with Dataiku. Accelerate time-to-impact and make data-driven decisions efficiently.

  4. Simplify data integration with Lume AI. Leverage AI-powered data mapping, automate workflows, and manage data pipelines effortlessly.

  5. Unlock the full potential of your data-driven strategies with Your Personal AI Data Assistant. Empower decision-making in sales, marketing, and finance with self-service business intelligence.