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Botsy brings the power of conversational AI to the world's most popular messaging platform: WhatsApp.0
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What is Botsy?

Botsy is an AI tool that allows you to build and deploy chatbots on WhatsApp. With Botsy, you can create chatbots that understand natural language, customize their behavior and branding, and extract important user data for tailored interactions.

Key Features:

1. 🗣️ Natural Conversations: Botsy's AI chatbots can understand natural language and respond like a human, eliminating the need for menu-based interactions.

2. 🎨 Branded and Customized Bots: You can deploy your chatbot to a new or existing WhatsApp number, giving it your own brand identity and adjusting its behavior to suit your specific use case without any coding required.

3. 🔒 Stay in Control: Botsy provides managed contact lists and access control features so you can decide who interacts with your chatbot.

Use Cases:

1. Customer Support: Deploying a Botsy-powered chatbot on WhatsApp enables businesses to provide instant customer support by understanding queries in natural language and offering personalized assistance.

2. Information Access: Organizations can leverage Botsy to deliver information services through conversational interfaces on WhatsApp, making it easier for users to access education resources or healthcare advice.

3. Community Engagement: By deploying customized bots on WhatsApp using Botsy, community organizations can engage with members more effectively by providing personalized counseling or guidance.


Botsy empowers businesses and organizations to harness the power of conversational AI on the popular messaging platform - WhatsApp. With its ability to understand natural language, customization options, data extraction capabilities, and ease of deployment without coding knowledge required, Botsy opens up opportunities for improved customer support experiences, enhanced information accessibility across various domains such as education or healthcare services delivery while fostering community engagement initiatives where personalization matters most

More information on Botsy

Pricing Model
Free Trial
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Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Fathom Analytics,Gzip,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,RSS,Caddy

Top 5 Countries

Turkey Russian Federation Austria Poland Brazil

Traffic Sources

Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Botsy was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Botsy Alternatives

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  1. Get the best AI chatbot experience on WhatsApp with Besty. Engage in natural conversations, get recommendations, and receive mentorship 24/7. Try it now!

  2. Create your own digital friend and engage in conversations on any topic with Botify AI. Personalize, share, and prank for endless creativity and fun.

  3. Unleash your company's ultimate potential with a custom WhatsApp chatbot from Autowhat Chatbot Services. Experience unparalleled efficiency, engagement, and growth with a customised automation solution that is tailored to your specific requirements.

  4. Custom GPT chatbots trained on your data. Zero coding required. Share on your website in minutes.

  5. Discover Gustabot, the AI tool that provides easy access to information, offers API calling, and delivers powerful AI services like text chat and image analysis. Whether you need customer support solutions or interactive language learning, Gustabot has flexible plans tailored to your needs.