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Revitalize your meetings with MeetMoji! Experience 80% engagement increase through AI-generated live polls, trivia, and word clouds. Perfect for in-person, online, or hybrid events. Sign up now and transform your presentations!0
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What is MeetMoji?

MeetMoji is an innovative AI-powered tool designed to transform traditional, one-way presentations into dynamic, interactive conversations. By integrating live polling, word clouds, and other engaging elements, MeetMoji caters to both online and in-person audiences, making presentations more inclusive and effective.

Main Features:

  1. AI-Driven Live Polling:Embed real-time polls directly into presentations, facilitating group decision-making and gathering instant feedback.

  2. Interactive Word Clouds:Display participant responses visually, with word size indicating frequency, to start conversations and highlight popular ideas.

  3. Live Emojis for Engagement:Transform slides into interactive sessions by allowing audiences to express themselves with live emojis.

  4. Open-Ended Questions:Foster inclusive discussions and brainstorming through live, open-ended questions that encourage diverse input.

  5. AI Summaries for Feedback:Utilize AI to generate summaries of open feedback and word clouds, providing concise insights.

Application Scenarios:

  1. Business Meetings:Enhance the value of work-related meetings by collecting valuable input and feedback, leading to more informed and inclusive decision-making.

  2. Educational Settings:Improve learning outcomes by engaging every student in the classroom through interactive presentations and discussions.

  3. Hybrid Events:Seamlessly combine various media, including slides, PDFs, websites, and videos, to manage and present content in hybrid event settings.


MeetMoji is a versatile tool that goes beyond traditional presentation methods. It offers a simple yet powerful way to engage audiences, making presentations more interactive, inclusive, and insightful. Whether for educational purposes, business meetings, or hybrid events, MeetMoji is the perfect companion for presenters seeking to spark meaningful conversations and enhance audience engagement.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
MeetMoji was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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