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Mockthis is an app that allows you to create Mocks of data or classes in any programming language using AI. this project is 100% free and open source.0
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What is MockThis?

Mockthis is an innovative web application that leverages AI to generate mock data and classes in various programming languages. By simply inputting class or interface definitions, users can instantly retrieve accurate mocked JSON responses, eliminating the need for manual searching and copy-pasting.

Key Features:

(1) 🤖 AI-Powered Mocking:

  • Harnessing the power of AI, Mockthis interprets data and delivers realistic mock results swiftly.

(2) 🔄 Versatile Format Conversion:

  • Seamlessly convert JSON data into classes, interfaces, or objects in any desired coding language.

(3) 📝 Customizable Output:

  • Tailor the generated data to specific requirements by adding notes and specifying decorators.

Use Cases:

(1) 🧪 Software Testing:

  • Generate mock data for unit testing, API testing, and integration testing, saving time and effort.

(2) 📱 Mobile App Development:

  • Create mock JSON responses for mobile app development, facilitating rapid prototyping and testing.

(3) 🎓 Educational Resource:

  • Utilize Mockthis as a teaching tool to demonstrate data structures and class definitions in programming courses.


Mockthis revolutionizes the creation of mock data and classes, empowering developers with AI-driven efficiency and accuracy. Its ease of use, versatility, and open-source nature make it an invaluable asset for software development, testing, and education. Join the Mockthis community and unlock the potential of AI-generated data mocking.

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Tech used
Cloudflare CDN,Google Fonts,Svelte(Kit),Gzip,HTTP/3

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Updated Date: 2024-04-30
MockThis was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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