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Co-write and chat with your PDFs, URLs, Google Drive, Notion, and more with a personal AI work assistant0
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What is Modelit?

Modelit is your personal AI work assistant designed to chat, search, and co-write with you. It connects to your knowledge across various apps, helping you boost productivity and creativity with generative AI tailored to your needs.

Key Features:

  1. 💬 AI-powered Chat and Search:Seamlessly chat and search across all your knowledge sources, including documents you've yet to explore, streamlining your workflow and saving time.

  2. 📚 Connect Your Knowledge:Load information from various sources like PDFs, URLs, and apps such as Google, Notion, and Confluence, consolidating all your information in one platform for easy access.

  3. 🤝 Humanized AI:Personalize your AI assistant with custom templates, workflows, and your unique tone of voice, ensuring a personalized and effective interaction.

Use Cases:

  1. Efficient Research:Quickly access and search through vast amounts of information across different platforms, helping you gather insights and make informed decisions.

  2. Streamlined Collaboration:Collaborate effortlessly with AI assistants, sharing knowledge and ideas across teams and projects while maintaining a consistent voice and style.

  3. Enhanced Privacy:Ensure the security of your data with Modelit's zero-retention data policy and industry-leading encryption, giving you peace of mind while working with sensitive information.


Modelit revolutionizes the way you work by providing a versatile AI assistant that simplifies tasks, enhances collaboration, and prioritizes your privacy. With its intuitive features and personalized approach, Modelit empowers users to achieve more while ensuring the safety and confidentiality of their data.

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Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Modelit was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Modelit Alternatives

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  1. Aili: Premier web summary creator, offering seamless web engagement with unlimited AI-native bookmarks. Experience unparalleled efficiency and deep integration with multiple LLMs, ensuring a cost-effective solution for extensive web analysis and learning.

  2. Discover the power of Magic AI: centralize knowledge, streamline productivity, and enhance collaboration with custom chatbots, document management, and AI-driven data analysis. Try it for free today!

  3. Using AI models to quickly generate a visually appealing and cost-effective fashion outfit description.

  4. Chat with multiple AIs in one app. Powered by ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Claude AI, Mistral AI, Cohere AI and Dall-E 3

  5. Experience the power of Mynt, the AI writer that edits your documents based on your commands. Say goodbye to manual revisions and hello to efficient, precise editing!