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Scale your business without hiring expensive employees. Olympia AI team offers web search, memory, teamwork, and more. Start now!0
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What is Olympia?

Olympia is an AI-powered team designed for solopreneurs and bootstrapped startups who want to scale their business without the need to hire expensive human employees. With plans starting at $20 per month, Olympia offers unique capabilities such as web search and browsing, memory and note-taking, teamwork, outbound email, and more. Unlike other AI tools, Olympia does not impose rate limits and ensures secure communication. By using Olympia, businesses can reduce expenses, enhance work-life balance, and easily expand their communications bandwidth.

Key Features:

1. Web Search & Browsing: Olympia provides full Google search capabilities and automatically analyzes the results. It can also read links provided by the user, saving time and effort.

2. Memory & Note Taking: Olympia's consultants remember past conversations and store important facts about the user and their projects. This eliminates the need for repetitive explanations and ensures a seamless workflow.

3. Teamwork: Olympia's team members collaborate and share knowledge with each other, functioning like a real team. This promotes efficient problem-solving and enhances productivity.

Use Cases:

1. Solopreneurs: Olympia is a perfect solution for solopreneurs who want to grow their business without the burden of hiring additional human team members. By utilizing Olympia's AI team, solopreneurs can reduce expenses and easily manage their workload.

2. Bootstrapped Startups: Startups with limited resources can benefit from Olympia's cost-effective alternative to hiring more employees. Olympia's AI team provides the necessary support and expertise to fuel business growth without breaking the bank.

3. Communication Expansion: Olympia's outbound email feature allows businesses to expand their communications bandwidth effortlessly. Consultants can reach out to the world on behalf of the user, increasing their reach and efficiency.

With Olympia, businesses can scale their operations without the need for expensive human staff. By leveraging Olympia's AI-powered team, solopreneurs and bootstrapped startups can reduce costs, enhance work-life balance, and easily manage their workload. Olympia offers a range of features including web search and browsing, memory and note-taking, and teamwork. The absence of rate limits and secure communication channels make Olympia a reliable and efficient tool for business growth. Start your journey with Olympia today and experience the benefits of an affordable and capable AI team.

More information on Olympia

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$20 / month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Microsoft Clarity,Framer,Google Fonts,Gzip,OpenGraph,HSTS,reCaptcha,YouTube

Top 5 Countries

United States Turkey Sweden Viet Nam New Zealand

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Social Referrals Mail
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Olympia was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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