Opus clip

Opus Clip: AI-powered video repurposing tool. Transform long videos into viral shorts effortlessly. Enhance content creation and engagement on social media.0
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What is Opus clip?

Opus Clip is an AI-powered video repurposing tool that simplifies social media video sharing. It allows users to transform long videos into short clip formats optimized for platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Reels. With advanced features such as AI curation, virality scoring, active speaker detection, keyword highlighting, and multi-language support, Opus Clip accelerates content creation and enhances engagement on social media.

Key Features:

1. AI Curation (ClipGenius™): Analyzes videos to extract compelling hooks and rearranges them into viral short videos.

2. AI Virality Score™: Assigns a score to each generated clip based on analysis of thousands of viral videos.

3. AI Co-Pilot: Enables users to select specific timeframes or search for segments based on keywords.

4. Active Speaker Detection: Ensures the speaker's face remains at the center of the video frame for enhanced viewer engagement.

5. AI Keyword Highlighter & Emoji Generator: Highlights valuable keywords in captions and adds relevant emojis to boost watch time and views.

In conclusion, Opus Clip is a comprehensive solution that turns long videos into viral shorts effortlessly through its powerful AI-driven features. It not only serves as a video clipping tool but also facilitates content creation, engagement, and monetization opportunities.

More information on Opus clip

Pricing Model
Free Trial
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Tech used
Profitwell,Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,JSDelivr,Google Fonts,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph,Intercom

Top 5 Countries

United States Brazil United Kingdom Spain India

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Social Mail Referrals Paid Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Opus clip was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Opus Clip is an AI-based tool that converts long videos into short like tikTok, YouTube Shorts, Reels and viral clips. It can also add captions to the clips.

  2. Studio-Quality Clips, Without Cloud Risks Auto-Generate TikToks, Reels, YouTube Shorts with AI

  3. Turn your long videos into viral clips with qlip, an AI-powered tool. Add subtitles, customize, and share easily on TikTok and YouTube.

  4. Transform your videos into viral shorts effortlessly with AI Video Clips. Get accurate speaker detection, customizable subtitles, and more.

  5. ClipMaker: Grow your presence on TikTok and Instagram with AI-powered software. Generate clips, use templates, add subtitles, and schedule posts effortlessly. Boost social media growth.